Entrance Exams Application Dates extended again in AP

1) Entrance Tests application Dates Extended in AP Again
The government has extended the deadline for online applications for all admissions to be held in Andhra Pradesh. The decision was taken after the center extended the lockdown until 31st of this month.
The government has extended the deadline for online applications for all the entrance exams to be held in AP. The Center has extended the lockdown until the end of this month, with the Higher Education Council extending the application deadline ncluding for the admission test for the ECE, EZET, ADSET, LAST, PG EAST and PEET exams in AP.

2) AP Govt plans to open Pre schools for the Academic year 2020-21
Jagan Sarkar is preparing to make a more important decision in recent years as it moves towards various educational cultures. Plans to open pre-schools starting next school year (2020-21)
Jagan Sarkar, who has been heading towards many educational cultures since coming to power, is preparing to make the latest decision. The Education Ministry plans to open pre-schools in primary schools in AP next year (2020-21).

Proposals for setting up of 3,400 schools under the Comprehensive Penalty Abhiyan. Work on the design of syllabus (lessons) required for preschools was started. Four and a half year old children are admitted to preschools.
These preschools practice reading and writing in addition to the anniversary. Also, special talents in children focus on subjects such as extraction and maths.
After that, the students enroll in first class. Teachers in these preschools are taken on contract basis. With this policy, the increase in admissions in public schools is expected to get quality education.
As a first step, the tribal and backward areas should be given priority.

3) New hall tickets for tenth students:
It has been announced that the 10th and 10th exams in AP will be conducted from July 10 to 15. Key changes were also made to the questionnaires. The number of subject papers is reduced from 11 to 6. For each subject, 100 marks per paper will be tested. The decision was made following the outbreak of coronavirus. Steps are being taken to ensure a distance of about 4 feet between students due to corona. Only 10-12 people will be arranged in each room. This will increase the number of test centers. With this, the issuance of the hall tickets will be changed.

Model question papers Papers on the website:

Model  papers will be made available on the Government Examination Department website from May 16.
Hostels Reopen:
Most students from other districts stayed in hostels and read tenth grade. There are a large number of educated people living in BC, tribal and social welfare homes. Hostels will be reopened following the release of the exam schedule.
Free Transport:
Students will be provided free transportation. Arrangements are being made to board the buses with a hall ticket. The public transport department will be asked to run buses for students.

4) Colleges to start from September 1st ... Central govt.  Announcement!
Ramesh Pokhriyal, Union Minister for Human Resources Development, said that the government has been taking steps to reopen the university system from September 1. With Corona booming, it seems there is no chance of schools opening up now.
Ramesh Pokhriyal, Union Minister for Human Resources Development, said that the government is taking steps to reopen the university system from September 1 in line with the latest conditions and UGC guidelines. There are now close to 82,000 corona cases in the country. "It is not advisable to open schools under such circumstances," he said.
It has been made clear that the first schools will be opened with the students. In the wake of the Corona outbreak, schools and schools across the country have been shut down since March 16, with all tests being canceled.
However, in the wake of Corona's boom in the country, there is no possibility of opening schools, said Union Minister for Human Resources Development Ramesh Pokhriyal.
Speaking at a video conference with teachers of various schools on Friday, he said that the schools have decided to reopen the situation. Plans are being drawn up for the policies to be adopted following the lockdown.
Teachers are advised to get used to teaching lessons through online digital learning. The students need to develop a syllabus so that they can complete the syllabus without losing it.

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