Nadu Nedu-Constitution of State Level Technical Committee

Present: V.Chinaveerabhadrudu, IAS., 
Rc.No.1137922/DC/MBNN /2020 Date: 08/05/2020.

Sub: - School Education- Nadu Nedu-Constitution of State Level Technical Committee – orders -Issued-Regarding.
Ref: 1. Approved note orders of the Commissioner dated 5-05-2020.


 Nadu Nedu is a programme designed to face-lift all the schools in the state duly improving the infrastructure facilities in the schools. Government has given top priority to this programme and decided to complete the 15715 school projects by end of July involving the AP Samagra Siksha, APEWIDC, PRED, TWED, Municipal & Public Health, RWS&S. 

2. The Commissioner, School Education being the Convener of Nadu Nedu at state level needs to issue technical guidelines, implementation guidelines so as to create clarity in the field staff in execution of Nadu Nedu works. Since this is a convergence programme it is decided to constitute a State Level Technical Committee, Nadu Nedu with a group of senior technical persons and will be as follows.

S.No. Name of the Committee Member     Designation 
1. Sri. A. Murali (Chairman) Advisor (Infra), School Education. 
2. Sri. B. Rajendra Prasad Senior Technical Consultant, Samagra Siksha 
3. Sri. M. Siva Prasad (Convener) JD (infra), Nadu Nedu 
4. Sri. K. Srinivasa Rao State Project Engineer, Samagra Siksha 
5. Sri. Vijay Kumar Superintending Engineer, APEWIDC 
6. Sri. B. Gopichand Executive Engineer, APEWIDC .

3. Role of the State Level Technical Committee, Nadu Nedu 1. Shall combinedly responsible for preparation of the guidelines for the works under Nadu Nedu. 2. Shall finalize the specifications and rates of the materials under Nadu Nedu works wherever required. 3. Shall meet at-least once in a week and review the technical problems in execution of Nadu Nedu works and identify the proper solutions. 4. Upon approval of the Committee the JD (Infra) Nadu Nedu shall circulate the file to the CSE and get the approval and communicate to the field. 


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