Jagannana Vidya Kanuka - Distribution of school kits - Certain Instructions


Present:: Sri V. Chinaveerabhadrudu, IAS., 

Rc.No. 1214144/PLG/2020 Dt: 22/08/2020 

Sub:- School Education - Jagannana Vidya Kanuka - Distribution of school kits - Certain Instructions - Issued. 

Read:-Lr.Rc.No.SS-16021/49/2020-MIS SEC-SSA,dated:18.08.2020 of the State Project Director, SS, A.P., Vijayawada


1.Government of Andhra Pradesh is going to launch the prestigious "Jagananna Vidya Kanuka" flagship scheme aiming distribution of the student school kit consisting of 1 School bag, 1-belt, one pair of shoes & two pairs of socks , 3 pair of uniform cloth along with notebooks, work books and text books for the use of school children studying in Government management schools, aided schools and Madarasas of Andhra Pradesh for the academic year-2020-21 for the classes 1 to X. 

2. The distribution of the aforesaid items are scheduled to be launched on 5th of September, 2020. The necessary material is dispatched to mandal points through vendor and same can be tracked at https:// schooled.ap.gov.in. The details of material supplied so far is appended as annexure as ready reference.

 3. Since government is giving utmost importance for timely and effective distribution of the student kits with an objective of aiming at quality education in the long run, the following Committee is constituted for planning, implementing and monitoring the program:

Joint Collector, V,WS & D: Chairman 

District Education Officer: Member 

Deputy Director, Social Welfare: Member 

Deputy Director, TW/DTWO: Member 

District BC Welfare Officer: Member 

District Minority Welfare Officer: Member 

District Officer for the Welfare of the Differently Abled: Member 

Regional Transport Authority/Officer: Member 

Additional Project Coordinator, SS: Member-Convener.

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