Memo RC.No. 173/A&I/2020 Dated:24/08/2020
Sub: - MoE, Dept. of School Education & Literacy – Online competition for teachers on “Preparation of Communication material” – Relating to New Education Policy (NPE-2020) – - Certain Instructions - Reg.
Ref:- Letter D.O. No. 21-0820/Secy(SE&L)/3, dated: 21-3-2020 of the Secretary to Govt., Dept. of Education, GOI, New Delhi
A copy of the letter received in the reference cited is hereby with communicated to all Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the State and they informed that, the Ministry of Education, in partnership with MyGov, is organizing an Online Competition for Teachers on 'Preparation of Communication material' relating to National Education Policy (NEP-2020).
1. The participating teachers from States/UTs will have to prepare Communication material on different Themes of NEP 2020 related to school education.
2. The themes for this competition are as follows: