Memo. No.ESE-02-18022/93/2020-PS-3-CSE 20/09/2020
Sub : School Education- Private Aided Schools -Audit of Aided Primary, U.P and High Schools in the State- Certain –Instructions-Issued - Regarding.
Ref :
1. Grant in Aid Code. 2. G.O.Ms.No.172 Edn (Rules) Dt:27.03.1986.
All the District Educational Officers in the State are informed that as per sub rule (a) of Rule 6 of G.O.Ms.No. 172 Education (Rules) Dt: 27-03-1986,
the accounts of every educational institution receiving grants out of the State funds shall be inspected and audited at the end of every financial year by the departmental auditors deputed by the director. The management is required to submit financial statement with supporting statements as referred to in Annexure-IV of above said G.O to the Director not later than the first May of every year. On receipt of the financial statement and after preliminary verification of the Statement, the management of the institutions concerned shall be intimated well in advance about the commencement of audit of accounts of their institutions. The auditor shall scrutinize the statements with reference to relevant records of the institutions .The object of the departmental audit conducted by the auditor is mainly to see whether the grants given by the Government and other sources are properly utilized for the purpose for which they were sanctioned.
2. In view of the above all the District Educational Officers in the State are requested to:
a. Find out which managements have not submitted their financial statements before May 2020 and give a notice to them to furnish the accounts by 25th September and also call for their explanation why necessary action should not be taken against the management for such a grave lapse, and
b. Take up the issue with District Collectors to issue instructions to the auditors working in the districts such as Local Fund Auditors to take up the audit of all aided Schools existing in their Districts including High Schools also from 21st September, 2020.
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