School Education - Norms for re-apportionment of teaching staff under various managements viz., Government, Zilla Parishad and Mandal Praja Parishad Schools – Orders - Issued
G.O.MS.No. 53 Dated: 12-10-2020.
Read the following:-
1. Right to Education Act 2009 read with Rules issued in 2010.
2. G.O.Ms.No.55 Education (Ser.III) Department, dated:23.04.2011.
3. G.O.Ms.No.61 Education (SE-SER-III) Department, dated: 16.05.2011.
4. G.O.Ms.No.29 School Education (SER.II) Department, dt.22.05.2017.
5. G.O.Ms.No.33 School Education (SER.II) Department, dt.04.06.2017.
6. G.O.Ms.No.42 School Education (SER.II) Department, dt.30.06.2017.
7. From the CSE, A.P., Lrs.Rc.No.36/Estt.III/2019, Dt: 08.06.2020.
ORDER:- Government of India have enacted the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act 2009 and Government of Andhra Pradesh have issued Rules in 2010. As per Section 19 read with the Schedule of the Act, Government have set the norms of number of teachers to be positioned from Class I to Class VIII based on the student strength.
2. Government vide G.Os 2nd and 3rd read above have issued norms for rationalization of schools, posts and staff under various managements. During the year, 2016, a Committee was constituted to study and revision of rules issued in G.Os at 2nd and 3rd read above. Based on the report, Government have issued detailed guidelines vide reference 4th read above.
3. The D.S.E., A.P., has brought to the notice of Government that the norms issued for positioning of teachers vide G.O. 4th read above were found to be in violation of RTE norms. He further informed that in the State, the schools are functioning as Primary ( Class I to V) , Upper Primary ( Class I to VII) and High schools ( Class VI to X) but not as Elementary ( I to VIII ) and Secondary Schools ( Class IX to XII). The Government have framed certain norms for Primary, Upper Primary and High Schools based on the recommendation made by the Committee and that there is inconsistency between the norms of RTE and the norms framed by Government vide GO 4th read above.
4. He further informed that during the year 2019-2020, the enrollment in the Government schools increased due to implementation of Ammavodi program and further because of the thrust given by the Government for improvement of the infrastructure facilities in the Government Schools by implementation of Nadu-Nedu Program, the enrollment is further going to increase in 2020-21.