Circular Memo No : MBNN/ 1244202 /2020 20/10/2020
Sub:AP – SE – MBNN – Instructions to identify one Schools under the Municipal Management to develop school as DEMO - Issued
It is to inform that, the Principal Secretary, School Education Department requested all the Joint Collector (VW, S&D), in the state to identify one school under the management of Municipal Administration and Urban Development Department and to develop such a school into a DEMO school by facilitating all (10) required components under Nadu Nedu in that school. He requested them to furnish the proposals to the Director, School Education for sanctions
It is informed that, some of the District Educational Officers / Executive Engineers of Municipal Administration and Urban Development department are sending roposals without necessary estimates and relevant details.
Therefore all the District Educational officers and Executive Engineers of Municipal Administration and Urban Development are requested to send proposals by identifying one school under the management of Municipal Administration and Urban Development department to develop as a DEMO school with properly worked out estimates for taking necessary action in the matter.