School Education – COVID-19 pandemic – Re-opening of Schools and Learning with Physical/Social Distancing – Standard Operating Procedure(SOP) for Health and Safety protocols to be followed in all schools functioning under all managements for the academic year 2020-21 – Certain Instructions – Issued.
G.O.Rt.No.216 Dated:01.11.2020
Read the following:
1) D.O.Lr.No.40-3/2020-DM-I(A), Dated:30.09.2020 of the Union Home Secretary, Chairman, NEC, GoI, New Delhi.
2) G.O.Rt.No.433, Health, Medical & Family Welfare (B2) Dept., Dated:05.10.2020.
3) F.No.11-16/2020-Sch.4, Dated:05.10.2020 of the Deputy Secretary to Govt., MHRD, GoI, with regard to Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) guidelines for reopening of schools.
4) D.O.Lr.No.40-3/2020-DM-I(A), Dated:27.10.2020 of the Union Home Secretary and Chairman, NEC, GoI, New Delhi.
5) File No. ESE02-30/94/2020-A& I- CSE dated 30-10-2020 of the Director of School Education, A.P
O R D E R:
The Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India vide ref 1st read above, has issued guidelines for re-opening of Schools and coaching institutions, after 15th October, 2020 in a graded manner for which the State may take a decision in consultation with the respective school/ institution management, based on their assessment of the situation, and subject to the given conditions. Accordingly, the Ministry of Education, DoSEL, New Delhi has issued a detailed Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)/guidelines for reopening of schools after COVID-19 lockdown.
2. In pursuance of the instructions issued by the GoI, and the circumstances reported by the Director of School Education, A.P., vide Letter 5th read above, the Government hereby orders the following protocol for reopening of schools in the state of Andhra Pradesh:
Day of reopening
3. Schools shall be reopened on 2nd November, 2020 in a graded manner. The graded manner for reopening of schools under all managements is as follows: