Daily Students and Teachers/staff attendance Called for

 Memo Rc.No.151/A&I/2020 Dated:02/12/2020

Sub: - School Education –COVID – 19 – Re-opening of Schools in a graded manner and Learning with Physical/Social Distancing for the academic year 2020-21 – Furnishing of the information related to students and Teachers/staff attendance in given proformas - Request – Regarding

Ref: - 1) G.O.Rt.No.216, Dated:01.11.2020 from the School Education (Prog.II) Department, GoAP. 2) G.O.Rt.No.229, School Education (Prog.II) Dept., Dated:23.11.2020. 3) G.O.Rt.No.731, Dated:30.11.2020 from the Health, Medical & Family Welfare(B2) Department, GoAP


The attention of all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the State is invited to the ref 3rd cited and informed that, the Health, Medical & Family Welfare Dept., has requested the respective Head of Departments to furnish the information relating to Students and Teachers/Staff attendance data in the annexed proforma (I & II) from all the institutions under their control including Government, Aided, Autonomous, Private etc.,

Further, the data shall be furnished weekly as desired by the Commissioner, Health& Family Welfare by email to peshichfw@gmail.com by 5.00 PM of every Saturday for the week starting from Monday and ending with Saturday

Therefore, all RJDSEs and DEOs are requested to furnish the information in the annexed proforma (I & II) daily by 02.00 PM as desired by the Health, Medical & Family Welfare Dept., to itcellcse@apschooledu.in & academicinspections@apschooledu.in so as to consolidate and onward submission to the Government in the matter.


HM&FW Department – COVID19- Educational Institutions – Furnishing of attendance of students - Orders - Issued 


 G.O.RT.No. 731 Dated: 30-11-2020. 

 Read the following: 

1.G.O.Rt.No.433, HM&FW (B2) Dept., Dated: 05.10.2020. 2. G.O.Rt.No.153, Higher Education (U.E.) Dept., Dated: 30.10.2020 3. G.O.Rt.No.650, HM&FW (B2) Dept., Dated: 01.11.2020 4. G.O.Rt.No.229, School Education (Prog.II) Department, Dated:23.11.2020. 


The Government if Andhra Pradesh has undertaken several measures including strengthening of surveillance for prevention, containment, and control of COVID-19. After an intensive activity to control and contain Corona Virus with multiple lockdowns, and gradual unlocking, the State has reached a stage where the number of cases are declining on a day to day basis. 

2. The Government has taken a decision to open schools and colleges duly taking all the required precautions and keeping constant vigil in the spread of infection amongst school/ college students, faculty and staff as safety of students is of utmost importance to the Government. 

3. An Excel sheet for collection of attendance has been annexed to this Government Order for data uniformity fir all educational institutions. 

4. The respective Heads of Departments mentioned in the address entry are responsible for collection of data from all the institutions under their control including Government, Aided, Autonomous, Private etc., This data shall be furnished weekly to Commissioner, Health& Family Welfare by all Heads of Departments by email to peshichfw@gmail.com by 5.00 PM of every Saturday for the week starting from Monday and ending with Saturday. 

5. The Special Chief Secretaries/ Principal Secretaries of Education Department are directed to implement the above orders. 

Download GO 731 ||  Rc.No.151

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