Memo No.1286737/PLG./2020 Dated:03/12/2020
Sub:- School Education - “APSCHE- State-wise Household Survey on “ Instructions to involve to understand the concept of survey and train/follow-up the GV/WV Volunteers to carry out the proposed survey - “ Instructions issued.
1. Lr. No.APSCHE/CM/HH-SURVEY/HE/2020 dated 26.11.2020 of th Chairman, Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education, , Mangalagiri, Guntru Dist., A.P.
2. Instructions of the Director of School Education, A.P., Amaravathi
All the Regional Joint Directors and District Educational Officers in the State are hereby informed that, the Chairman, Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education, , Mangalagiri, Guntru Dist., Andhra Pradesh has proposed to conduct Household survey across the State of Andhra Pradesh to reflect Higher Education Status in the State accordingly developed a tool in consultation with e- pragathi towards collecting information through GS/WS.
In this context the Cluster Resource Persons(CRPs) of School Education Department will be trained to train GS/WS Volunteers on ToT basis for which Mandal Educational Officers (MEOs) are not nominated as nodal person to follow- up in their respective Mandals to conduct survey
Accordingly a video conference was scheduled with CRPs on 05-12-2020 at 3.30 P.M about orientation of House hold survey. The CRPs have to attend the VC from their respective mandal HQs. Further CRPs need to give orientation to the Education and Welfare Assistants of GS/WS Department at Mandal Level between 7-12-2020 to 9-12-2020
Therefore, the Regional Joint Directors and District Educational Officers of School Education Department in the State are requested to issue necessary instructions to MEOs and CRPs about the implementation of House Hold Survey and instruct to participate in scheduled Video Conference as per the guidelines communicated by APSCHE, by duly enrolling themselves in google form.