Proceedings of the state Election Commissioner, Andhra Pradesh, Vijayawada.
Present: Dr.N.Ramesh Kumar, IAS., (Retd) Procss. No.513 lsEc-8212020
Sub: APSEC Elections to Gram Panchayats - Reg.
Ref: APS EC Proceed ings N o. 5 13/S EC 82 I 2020, dt.77 . 77.2020.
1. Pursuant of the Hon'ble High Couft's observations in W.P.No.22900 of 2020 filed by State Government, a letter was written to the Chief Secretary on 24.12.2020 itself suggestlng a meeting with a view to find a common ground and a way forward out of the present impasse of elections to Gram Panchayats. This was done with due deference to the observations of Hon'ble High Court and as per advise tendered by the Counsel for Commission. There was no response from the Government for the Commission's well meant gesture.
2. Government was again reminded on 79.72.2020 that the Commission is open to discuss based upon the pronouncement of Judgment and Government did not choose to respond again.
3. The Judgement in W,P.No.22900 I 2020 formally has become public on 05.01.2021. The 3 day time limit laid down by the Hon'ble A.P. High Court that a delegation of State Government should apprise the Commission had come to an end on 07.01.2O2t without a response fofthcoming from the Government. Be it as may, the Commission took the onus on itself to write to the State Government again on 07.01.2021 that notwithstanding Government's non response, one more opportunity to consult with the Commission is offered on 08.01.2021.
4. Pursuant to the relentless efforts made, the Government vide its letter (dt.07.01.2021) had placed before the Commission, information reiterating its earlier stated position regarding the delicate situation continuing on Carona front as well its apprehensions regarding a mutant strain. GOI's communications from time to time imploring the readlness on the part of State Government's are placed before the Commission" The Commission is independently aware of these developments through the information in the public domain as well as the information made available from highly placed and knowledgeable sources on its own initiative
5. The State Government is ln favour of postponement of the local body elections i.e., Gram Panchayat elections scheduled in the month of February so as to not to interfere with the vaccinatlon programme announced by GOI. The State Government inter alia suggested the withdrawal of SEC's Proceedings No.513/SEC-82/2020, dt.17.11.7020 proposing elections in February, 2021.
6. It is to note that the Commission before proposing to hold Gram Panchayat elections in February, held a consultative meeting with all the registered political paftles on 28.10.2020. The Commission met the Chief Secretary on 28.10.2020 and the Principal Secretary, N4edical & Health and the Commissioner on 27.1O.2O2O. These meetings were held with a view to elicit the views of the political parties and for exploring the feasibility of holding elections.