Circular no: 1333431/MBNN/2021, Date:29-1-2021
Sub: Mana Badi Nadu Nedu – Further Guidelines on working Estimates – regarding.
Government has taken up Mana badi Nadu-Nedu Program to improve the infrastructure in schools. In the 1st Phase 15,715 schools are taken up and the works are nearing completion.
2. The following instructions are issued to guide the implementing agencies, PCs and Head Masters for completion and closure of works.
3. Preparation of working Estimates:-
a. Task wise completion details under each component is known.
b. No new tasks to be started now and focus should be on completing the ongoing tasks.
c. Working estimates should be prepared for each component and all components should be covered at one go.
d. Measurements of painting to be done for the purpose of preparation of working estimate for painting work. This shall be included in the working estimate even if it is not included in the original estimate. Engg Assts shall be involved in taking detailed measurements for the painting work. The same measurements shall be shared with Painting Companies (M/s. Berger paints & M/s. Asian Paints). e. The EEs shall Identify the schools for which one coat of painting is sufficient and hand over the same list to the painting companies
f. 3.5 % towards PS &QC charges shall be added in the working estimates in case of projects in the mandals of APEWIDC and 3.0% towards APSS.
g. Use the information collected in the formats 2 & 3 (given in the circular dated 21st Dec 2020) in preparing working estimates.
h. The engineers and the MEOs shall ensure that no new items are added. The essential items like leakage of roof, painting and repairs of old furniture etc) which can be executed in a week (ending with 14th Feb) only shall be taken up in working estimates.
4. Adoption of Rates for working estimates:-
a. SSR rates indicated in the STMS are to be adopted.
b. For granite – the rate provided in STMS should be taken (not the procured rate)
c. For the materials for which the rates are not given in SSR, Market rates approved by the technical sanctioning authority should be adopted Ex: - parking tiles and interlocking tiles.
d. For the central procurement materials, the rates may be adopted as per the finalized tender rate of suppliers – see invoice/ or see the agreement rates given in STMS website.
5. Administrative sanction:
a. The Technical sanction authority shall restrict the amount to administrative sanction if the total expected expenditure is less than admin sanction. Here you need not consider the expenditure shown in STMS, as there are some bills which have been entered twice or more than twice or wrongly entered.
b. While according tech sanction for working estimate for a school, it is presumed that the tech sanction authority is according Tech sanction for each component not for total project. This is because estimate was prepared and technical sanction was accorded for each component earlier.
c. If the expected expenditure crosses the administrative sanction as per the revised administrative sanction must be obtained for working estimate amount.The JC development is empowered to sanction upto 10 % over original administrative sanction . If it exceeds 10 %. The proposal should be sent to District Collector for approval.
d. Once the revised admin sanction is accorded, the DEO shall enter the sanction orders in STMS and they shall start execution of balance work and finish the works by end of February 2021.
6. Recording, Documentation and Maintenance of Records:-
a. The HM and PC and mandal engineer and MEO shall prepare THE EXPENDITURE STATEMENT in which all the bills and vouchers and invoices shall be recorded once all the works and all the components are executed and completed. The same details shall be entered in STMS. Once the expenditure statement is entered in STMS no further expenditure is permitted by the PC. The details shall be collected in the following format.
1)Name & Signature of HM 2) Name & Signature of PC chair person 3) Name & Signature of PC member 4) Name & Signature of Mandal engineer 5) Name & Signature of MEO
b. The above statement of expenditure should be produced to Social Audit and Accounts Audit teams whenever they come for auditing. The Expenditure statement along with signed bills, vouchers, invoices, books of accounts including stock register shall be kept in the school under the custody of the HM for three years after completion of the works
c. In case any funds are transferred from one school to other schools using the Transfer Entry System (TEO) fo funds , The same should be reflected in the statement in the last rows. The TEO amount shall be added or deducted depending on the (transferring / receiving the fund) in the expenditure statement.
7. Once the working estimate is approved, M book shall be recorded by the Mandal Engineer and get it check measured by DEE and assess the value of work done for each component. The rates shall be taken in M book as approved in the working estimate to assess the value of work done. All tasks and works shall be taken into account to record in the M Book ( except the works did by donors). The M book details component wise shall be entered in STMS by Mandal Engineers.
8. Then only the completion of the school project is considered.
9. Abstract Memo of payments shall be displayed in STMS for each school in the following format
Abstract Memo of Payments:
Name of the schools: UDISE No: STMS assigned No: Date:
1. Original Admin sanction amount:
2. Original Technical sanction amount:
3. Revised admin sanction amount (if any):
4.Revised technical sanction amount/ Working estimate sanctioned amount:
5. Value of work done (as per M book):
6. Expenditure as per expenditure statement:
7. Savings (5-6) : Rs
8. Percentage of savings over value of work done:
10. This abstract Memo of the payment shall be downloaded by the HM and keep it in the records (by pasting this statement in minutes book and cash book) , for record and future reference.
11. All Engineers shall follow the above guidelines and ensure completion of works in a systematic manner.
12. All the Joint Collectors (Development) shall review and ensure that the Engineers and Head Masters shall follow the above guidelines.
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