Memo No.ESE02-18022/7/2021-PS 3-CSE Dated:01/04/2021
Sub : School Education Department – Renewal of Recognition to Aided Schools in the State – Certain Instructions – Issued.
Ref : 1.Grant in Aid Code. 2. G.O.Ms.No.1, Education (P.S.2), 01-01-1994.
The attention of all the Regional Joint Director of School Education/District Educational Ofcers in the State is invited to the references cited and they are hereby informed that it has come to the notice to the under signed that certain Aided Schools are functioning without fulflling the conditions of recognition and renewal.
2. In this connection they are informed that, as per Section 6 of Grant in Aid Code, no grant under the provisions of the GIA code shall be paid to an Institution, which has not been recognized by or under A.P. Education Rules.
3. They are further informed that all the Aided Secondary Educational Institutions have to submit fnancial statements not later than 1st May of every year to the Regional Joint Director of School Education through District Educational Ofcer in the form prescribed in Appendix ‘E’ as per the Section 28 of GIA Code and as per Rule 20 of G.O.Ms.No.1, Education (P.S.2), 01-01-1994, the educational agency shall submit the renewal administration report in the prescribed proforma to the concerned authority for every fnancial year on 31st September, such report shall be submitted by the audit and statement of the school duly audited by the Charted Accountant
4. In view of the above, all the Regional Joint Director of School Education/District Educational Ofcers in the State are hereby requested to ensure that all aided Institutions under their respective jurisdiction have submitted the information on the following.
a) All the aided secondary schools shall submit Financial Statements for the last10(ten) years
b) All aided schools shall submit Annual Administrative report for the last 10 years.
5. All the Regional Joint Director of School Education/District Educational Ofcers are hereby informed to examine whether all aided Institutions have submitted the information/reports as mentioned above for the last 10 years at the time according renewal of recognition and take necessary action for according renewal of recognition to those institutions for those institutions only that have submitted the above data and fulflled all other conditions laid down in G.O.Ms.No.1 Education dated 1-1-1994.
6. They are further directed to take immediate steps to issue show cause notices to the Correspondents of the schools who have failed to submit above mentioned data/reports duly giving an opportunity to them to submit the information within (15) days. This exercise should be completed by 10-4-2021.
7. Further they have to submit a report showing the list of schools that have submitted the above reports and also the list of correspondents that have not submitted the reports to this ofce by 15-4- 2021.