Private Aided Educational Institutions - Constitution of a committee to study the performance of Private Aided Educational Institutions including Schools and Minority Institutions in the State – Orders - Issued.
G.O.Rt.No.52. Dated:06.04.2021
The Government noticed that, in Aided Educational Institutions, the percentage of admissions in aided courses is gradually decreasing year on year and filling aided staff vacancies in such aided institutions and possible demands of un-aided staff for regularization into aided posts would lead to huge financial burden on the Government's exchequer.
2. Additionally, it has been brought to the notice of the Government that few Aided Educational Institutions could not continue to run the institutions because of very low enrolments and high operational expenses.
3. Furthermore, there is need to effectively utilize all the available resources in the educational institutions to achieve the intentions of the schemes namely “Jagananna Vidya Deevena” for full fee reimbursement, “Jaganna Vasathi Deevena” for providing maintenance scholarships and “Nadu-Nedu” for strengthening educational infrastructure.
4. Thus, it is a matter of public interest to take over the voluntarily willing private aided educational institutions. In addition, an opportunity may be given for the private aided institutions to self-sustain on par with private un-aided institutions in the lines of National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 that highlights the need for providing graded autonomy to colleges. A.P. Education Act, 1982 provides conditional provisions for takeover of managements and withdrawal of grants.
5. Against the above backdrop, the Government felt that there is a need to constitute a Committee to study the performance of Private Aided Educational Institutions including Schools and Minority institutions in the State and necessity, if any, to continue or challenges/concerns/need to withdraw grant-inaid to these institutions. Accordingly, the Government, hereby constitute a committee for this purpose with the following members:
6. The following are the terms of reference for the Committee:
(1) To conduct a detailed analysis of performance of Private Aided Educational Institutions in the last 3-5 years in terms of
(a) Student Enrolment in the Aided and Un-aided sections
(b) Faculty Student Ratio in Aided and Un-aided Sections
(c) Variance in the Selection Procedure and Payment of wages to staff (teaching and non-teaching) in the Aided and Un-aided sections.
(d) Financial Capacity / Revenue Generation of the Management
(e) Complying with rules, regulations, norms etc. prescribed by Regulating Authorities.
(2) To do impact assessment, if the Government were to withdraw the Grant-in-Aid to Private Aided Educational Institutions duly redeploying their existing aided staff, in terms of
(a) Statutory Amendments required to avoid any legal implications that may arise from
(i) The associations of teaching and non-teaching staff with regard to seniority, promotions, postings, counting of valid aided service, superannuation etc.
(ii) Managements of Private Aided Educational Institutions including Minority
(b) Possible challenges that may arise in redeploying the aided staff into Government Institutions including Universities w.r.t.,
(i)Service and other benefits like GPF, APGLI, and LTC etc. that may be given to the existing aided staff for both teaching and nonteaching in addition to the other benefits already there.
(ii) Applicability of Service Rules and Zonal Systems for both teaching and non-teaching
(iii) The selection procedure, if required, for redeploying the aided staff both teaching and non-teaching into Government Educational Institutions including Universities.
(iv) The vacancies (both teaching and non-teaching) that may be filled up by redeploying the aided staff into Government and its instrumentalities including Universities
(c) Possible accessibility challenges that Students/Parents may face for continuing study in the same or similar institutions w.r.t.,
(i) Finances – significant increase in the out of pocket expenditure, if any
(ii) Reachability and Standards – availability of the same or similar standard institution in the vicinity.
(iii) Transfers – feasibility of accommodating willing students from aided institutions into nearby Government Institutions.
(3). Finally, to submit a report on whether there is a need to continue to give Grant-in-Aid to the Private Educational Institutions in the State:
(a) If yes, provide reasons thereof and for how long.
(b)Otherwise, provide details thereof and possible modalities to withdraw.
7. The Committee shall furnish the report to Government within period of (07) days from the date of issue of this order.
8. The stakeholder departments are requested to cooperate with the committee in all aspects during the process of study of the entire issue.
9. The Secretary, Andhra Pradesh State Council for Higher Education shall arrange for finances from the funds of Andhra Pradesh State Council for Higher Education to the member convener to meet the expenses of the Committee.