NEP 2020: Development of State Curriculum Framework (SCF) and Position Papers

 Memo. No. ESE02/387/2021-SCER Date:09/06/2021

Ref: 1. National Education policy-2020 2. No.F.4-7/NCF/CG-2021-2022 Date: 5th May 2021 from the Director, NCERT, New Delhi.

In view of the reference 1st cited the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) has given certain tasks for preparation of National Curriculum Frame work (NCF) and State Curriculum Frame Work (SCF) to the SCERT’s in the Country to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal- 4 of United Nations Organization.

3. The National Education Policy, 2020 has recommended the development of following four National Curriculum Frameworks (NCFs):

• National Curriculum Framework forSchool Education (NCFSE) 

• National Curriculum Framework for Early Childhood Care and Education(NCFECCE) 

• National Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education (NCFTE) 

• National Curriculum Framework for Adult Education (NCFAE) 

4. He further informed that, as per the strategy fnalised by the Ministry of Education (MoE) and NCERT, it has been decided that the NCF should be framed by incorporating and integrating the local and indigenous favour from across the country through wider consultations. 

5. For this, it has also been decided that the following four State Curriculum Frameworks (SCFs) be developed frst and these may then feed into the preparation of the NCFs: 

• State Curriculum Framework for School Education (SCFSE) 

• State Curriculum Framework for Early Childhood Care and Education (SCFECCE) 

• State Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education (SCFTE) 

• State Curriculum Framework for Adult Education (SCFAE)  

6. He informed that NCERT will provide the templates for developing all  four SCFs, survey questionnaires, capacity building workshop, etc. along with an IT based portal for developing the SCFs in a paperless manner 

7. These SCFs in the draft form will provide valuable inputs for the National Curriculum Frameworks. After the fnalisation of all the four National Curriculum Frameworks, the states/UTs will fnalise their State Curriculum Frameworks by adopting/adapting inputs from the fnal recommendations of NCFs for their implementation in the states/UTs.

8. For the purpose of developing State Curriculum Frameworks, following steps are required to be taken by the states/UTs:

1. Ensuring that the State/UT nominates SCERT (wherever it is available) as the nodal agency for developing State Curriculum Frameworks in collaboration with concerned state/UT agencies such as School Examination boards, SIEMAT, SIEs, etc. working under the aegis of Department of School Education. In case of non-availability of SCERT, either Department of School Education (DSE) or another nominated agency working under DSE may lead this task. (SCERT can take lead for all the SCFs in view of its diverse roles including school education, teacher education and adult education) 

2. Nominating two nodal ofcers from the SCERT to coordinate with nodal ofcers of the NCERT for taking forward the development of SCFs in the states/UTs

3. Setting up of 25 State Focus Groups (as per the template provided by the NCERT) for developing state position papers in the identifed areas. These position papers will provide inputs for the SCFs. 

4. Setting up of three separate Steering Committees, one jointly for State Curriculum Framework for School Education and State Curriculum Framework for ECCE, second for SCF for Teacher Education and third for SCF for Adult Education (as per the template provided by the NCERT)

5. Consultations at the district level for taking inputs on the survey questionnaires developed at the National level.

9. NCFs and SCFs will serve as implementation guidelines for transforming the entire school education and Early Childhood Care and Education in view of concerns of equity, inclusion, multilingualism, experiential learning as posited in the NEP 2020 to provide 15 years of school education in coming future. Accordingly, Teacher Education will also be transformed and Adult Education will get its new meaning focusing on lifelong learning. In these circumstances, it is to constitute 25 working groups to work out on following FOCUS GROUPS POSITION PAPERS identifed by NCERT.

Curriculum and Pedagogy Related (12) 

1. Philosophy of Education (this will include Aims of Education) 2. Pre-school education and

• Holistic, Enjoyable and Engaging curriculum and Pedagogy File No.ESE02/387/2021-SCERT 

• School Curriculum: National and International Researches

 • New Curricular Areas for School Education in 21 st Century: Issues and Systemic Requirement  Foundational Literacy and Numeracy 3. Curriculum and Pedagogy 

4. Education in Social Sciences 

5. Vocational Education 

6. Arts Education 

7. Science Education 

8. Mathematics Education and Computational Thinking 

9. Language Education 

10.Environmental Education 

11.Health and Well-being 

12.Reform in Examination and Holistic Progress Card 

Cross Cutting Themes (5)

13.Knowledge of India 

14.Value Education 

15.Inclusive Education 

16.Gender Education 

17.Educational Technology for School Education Other Important Areas of NEP, 2020(8) 

18.Teacher Education 

19.Guidance and Counselling for Schools 

20.School Governance and Leadership 

21.Publication of Quality Textual and non-textual material: Issues, Challenges and Way Forward

 22.Linkage between school Education and higher education 

23.Alternative Ways for Schooling 

24.Emerging Role of Community in Education 

25.Adult Education

10. In view of the above all the DIET Principals are requested to identify at least 50 eminent persons from each DIET for Preparation of 25 position papers and the State Curriculum Frame Work (SCF) from the following category of people i.e. from senior ofcers in education department, university professors, senior ofcers in welfare department, NGOs, philanthropists, text book writers, SCF-2011 participants, social activists, poets, scientists, economists sports personalities, the ofcers/ professors/ lecturers retired from service may also included in the list

11. The details of the identifed persons may send in the following format to the Director, SCERT.

12. For any clarifcations in this regard the following SCERT Faculty (Nodel Ofcers) may be contacted.

 1. Dr.G.Kesava Reddy, Professor, Curriculum & Textbooks Department, File No.ESE02/387/2021-SCERT SCERT, AP, Cell No. ☏ 9440016835. 

2. Smt.S.Bhanumathi, Lecturer, Curriculum & Textbooks Department, SCERT, AP, Cell No. ☏ 9059299234. 

13. Treat it as the most urgent and TOP PRIORITY and furnish the list of identifed eminent persons on or before 15//06/2021 without fail. 

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