Memo Rc.No. 441/2020/SCERT Date:27/06/2021
Sub: -School education – SCERT, AP - Career Guidance- Low response from the students about career Portal into improving the number of logins - Reg.
Ref: - 1.Review meeting on 01-02-2021,2. Daily student login Status report from Aasman Foundation 3.Proc.Rc.No. 441/2020/SCERT Dated: 18/02/2021Director, School Education
1. The attention of all the District Educational Ofcers in the State is invited to the reference cited and they are here by informed that Government of Andhra Pradesh has started Career Guidance portal in Association with Aasman foundation and UNICEF in the month of August 2019 for the beneft of students from 9th class to 12th class which is helpful to choose the right career, based on the abilities and interests of students. But as for reference 2nd cited the number of student login into the portal is very low
2. In this regard all the District Educational Ofcers in the state are requested to issue necessary instructions to all the Heads of the Institutions, so as to log-in each and every student from 9th to 12th in their respective districts. As it is a very important program the undermentioned Ofcers shall ensure that all students login into the portal without fail.
3. The procedure of login into the portal is as follows:
Name of the website:
Log in credentials
User Id: Student Child Info ID
Password: 123456