Guidelines for Parent Participation in Home-based Learning during School closure

 Rc.No.15024/144/2020-SAMO-SSA Dated 05/07/2021

Sub: - AP Samagra Shiksha – SIEMAT – Guidelines for Parent Participation in Home-based Learning during School closure and beyond in Covid 19- Pandemic - Certain Instructions - Issued

Ref:- DO letter no 24-1/2021-IS7 dated:-18.06.2021 from the Joint Secretary (SSll), Ministry of Education, DoSEL, Govt. of India, New Delhi.

All the District Educational Ofcers and Additional Project Coordinators in the State are hereby informed that the Joint Secretary (SS-ll), Ministry of Education, DoSEL, Govt. of India, New Delhi has communicated the Guide lines for Parent Participation in Home-based learning during school closure and beyond in Covid-19 pandemic which provides simple tips for parents and other care givers to facilitate children in Home based learning and in creating a safe, engaging and positive environment. These suggestive activities are at various stages of School education i.e. Foundation stage (Age 1-8 yrs), Preparatory stage (Age 8-11years) and Middle age (Age 14-18 years). The activities are simple and suggestive, which are adopted and adapted to local needs and contexts. Separate sections have been given in facilitating art therapy for children under stress and trauma, assessments, supporting parents with low literacy levels and children with special needs.

Hence, the Ministry of Education, DoSEL, Govt. of India, New Delhi has instructed to issue necessary instructions for dissemination of the ‘Guidelines for Parent Participation in Home-based learning during school closure and beyond in Covid-19 pandemic’ to all the stake holders on a wide scale. The aforesaid document is translated into regional languages and use in local context for easy access. Also grade wise activities can be disseminated in the form of simple pamphlets for parents with activities, visuals, and illustrations.

In view of the above, all the District Educational Ofcers and Additional Project Coordinators in the State are hereby requested to disseminate the above said ‘Guide lines for Parent Participation in Home-based Learning during school closure and beyond in Covid-19’ (in English version) for utilization by Parents, care givers, older siblings, volunteers Teachers, Students, and Community for wider use and report compliance. 

K Vetriselvi State Project Director

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