Memo No. ESE01-SEDNOCSE/784/2021-PROG-II Dated: 14.08.2021
Sub: School Education - COVID-19 pandemic - Academic year 2021-22 - Opening of schools and learning with physical/social distancing duly following the COVID protocol and Standard Operating Procedures(SOPs) on various activities in schools for Academic Year 2021 -22- Orders - Issued.
1. Covid Response Action Plan Dt-04-05-2021.
2. Order No.40-3/2020-DM-I(A), Dated:28.07.2021 of the Union Home Secretary, Chairman, NEC, GoI, New Delhi.
3. G.O.Rt.No.429, Health, Medical & Family Welfare Department, Dated: 09.08.2021.
4. From the DSE, A.P, eFile No: ESE02-30027/5/2021-A&I-CSE-Part(l), Dated:05-08-2021 & 14.08.2021.
In pursuance of the instructions and guidelines issued by the GoI and also in consultation with Health, Medical & Family Welfare Department, the Government is decided to open the schools for the academic year 2021-22 in the State strictly in accordance with the following Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and general instructions.
2. All Schools shall be opened w.e.f 16-8-2021 in areas with less than 10% positivity. Village/ward secretariat may be taken as a unit for determining the positivity on a weekly basis.
3. Classes to the students of a section of a particular class/standard shall be conducted in such a way that each section shall be divided into batches with not more than 20 students in each batch. The regular school timings shall be followed and all teaching and non teaching staff will have to attend every working day.
4. Wherever the school accommodation is sufficient to conduct all classes in a single day with each section not having more than 20 students, the schools shall run every day for all classes. Wherever the school accommodation is not adequate enough to hold all classes everyday with the norm of 20 students for class or batch, classes may be opened and run on alternative days. For ego Class VI and VII on one day and Class VIII to X on another day or in any combination that accommodates children not exceeding 20 per section/class/batch.
5. On the modalities to be followed for carrying out academic activity, the DoSEL, GoI have issued detailed instructions for drawing up Covid Response Action Plan and on identifying and mainstreaming of Out of School Children and ensuring sustained Enrolment, Retention and Transition.
6. The details are available on the following link https:/ Plan.pdf
7. Headmaster of every school, at the Mandai/Divisional/District and Regional Level Educational Officers shall ensure that the road map for covid response is drawn up as per the guidelines immediately. The COVID response roadmap shall carry out detailed interventions for all the three stages, i.e. Maintain, Restore and Grow as suggested by DoSEL, Government of India.
8. The headmasters shall first focus on preparing the students for the classroom interaction by mitigating the learning loss that occurred during the pandemic and then plan for regular academic activity, without compromising on the Covid related guidelines.
9. Director, School Education shall communicate a detailed academic calendar in consultation with Director, SCERT for implementation by all government, government aided and unaided private schools in the state. School wise SoP to be drawn up
10. Duly complying with the above instructions and also as per the following SoP and general instructions the Headmasters/Principals/Correspondents of all schools shall prepare a school wise SOP in consultation with the Parents Committees and communicate a copy to the MandaljDivisionaljDistrict/Regional Education Officers concerned. SOP for opening of schools
11. The SOP communicated by Medical and Health department for opening of schools for the academic year 2021-22 shall be as follows:
a) All covid protocols are to be followed by the schools with reference to wearing of mask at all times, hand hygiene and social distance by students faculty and staff.
b) At the entry of the school all the students, staff and faculty shall be examined for any symptoms and suspected persons be asked to return home and get them tested.
c) To the possible extent, portable thermal scanner shall be placed at entry of the school and all students and staff shall be screened with thermal scanner to identify fever like symptoms.
d) Assembly, group work, games shall not permitted until further orders.
e) Parents dropping the children shall be examined for covid like symptoms. If any such symptoms are found, they may be advised to give their sample for covid 19 test at the nearest health facility.
f) Hand sanitizers to be placed for frequent sanitization and students should be asked to practice and do hand washing (six steps) before and after meals and toilet use.
g) Students and staff should be permitted to enter only with proper wearing of masks, maintenance of physical distance and hand sanitization.
h) Seating arrangements should be made in such a way that proper 6 feet physical distance is ensured and alternate seats may be kept vacant.
i) Sufficient ventilation must be there in classes with free airflow in the classrooms.
j) All class rooms should be thoroughly disinfected periodically and all frequently touched objects shall be sanitized properly.
k) Attendance of students to classes is to be voluntary and with written consent by the parents.
I) Children with old and comorbid parents/grandparents at home shall be advised to stay home and not to attend school as far as possible.
m) Children with comorbidities shall also not to be permitted to attend school. Headmasters should personally monitor this aspect and under no circumstances this point should be overlooked. Sick children should also be not permitted to attend schools.
n) Mid day meals shall be served in a staggered manner with different timings to each section of students. While sitting for mid day meals, they shall be made to sit one after the other with adequate physical distance. No two students shall sit face to face
0) At the closing of school, students should leave the school in staggered manner with 10 minute interval to each section and they should not be permitted to congregate outside the school.
p) Random testing of students faculty and staff shall be done and at least two students and one staff from each school to be tested every week, if positives are found the entire class can be tested.
q) Sensitizing of parents towards covid appropriate behavior and on protecting our elderly shall be done. One period every day shall be dedicated to this activity to educate children. Students shall also be used as covid ambassadors to spread awareness to their parents on covid appropriate behavior.
r) On reaching homes children shall be encouraged to take bath and then only enter the home. Hand washing shall be mandatorily done by children before entering homes.
s) Sharing of items like pens/pencils, erasers, books, water bottles, glasses, plates is strictly prohibited.
t) All the toilets should be cleaned with 1% sodium hypochlorite solution every day. Management to ensure adequate running water supply to the toilets in the schools.
u) Transport for school children shall be staggered class wise and that school buses and school vans shall be filled only to half capacity. Use of autos and rickshaws for transport should be avoided and parents may be encouraged to bring children themselves where school buses and vans are not available
v) A school level task force must be constituted with headmaster, two teachers to inculcate covid appropriate behavior among the students. All school level taskforce details have to be shared with Mandai level taskforce.
w) All teachers should be vaccinated in the nearby Covid vaccination centers.
x) While conducting the academic activities, there is every possibility of spread of disease with non symptomatic young children among students and they may also infect the old and vulnerable family members at home. The SOPs as detailed above may be followed without any deviations.
12. Further, the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India, the Juvenile Justice Committee of Hon'ble High Court of A.P and the DoSEL, GoI have issued detailed instructions/guidelines with regard to the continuation of education to the children who lost one of their parents or both due to COVID 19 and also to ensure rehabilitation of such children who are in need of care and protection. Further, instructions were also issued by the School Education Department vide Memo.No.151/A&I/2020, Dated: 13.08.2021. Headmaster of every school, at the MandaI/Divisional/District and Regional Level Educational Officers shall ensure that the road map for Care and Protection for children affected due to COVID is drawn up as per the guidelines immediately.
13. No child affected due to COVID by losing either one of the parents or both the parents after March 2020 shall be discharged from the school on account of non payment of tuition fees or on account of lack of uniform and learning material. All the managements of the private aided and unaided schools shall adhere to these instructions without fail.
General instructions
14. Further, the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)/guidelines have been issued by various departments i.e., Transport, Roads and Building Department, School Education Department and MOM with respect to all aspects for preventive, precautionary and safety measures on COVID-19 for all stakeholders on reopening of schools. All schools shall strictly adhere to the Standard Operating Procedures (SoP) issued by the Ministry of Education, Govt. of India and State Government from time to time.
15. State Project Director, SamagraShiksha shall issue detailed guidelines for distribution of Jagananna Vidya Kanuka kits to the students in compliance to these guidelines.
16. All Regional Joint Directors of School Education, District Educational Officers and other concerned officials shall ensure strict enforcement of guidelines/ Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for all activities in the schools issued by the Union/ State Governments from time to time for strict compliance on COVID-Appropriate behavior such as Wearing of Mask, Maintenance of Social Distancing and Frequent Hand washing in the schools without fail.
17. The Director of School Education, A.P, State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha, Director, Mid Day Meals, the Secretary, APREIS/APSWREIS/ APTWREIS/APBCWREIS, etc., Commissioner and Director, Municipal Administration and Urban Development, Director of Government Examinations, Director, SCERT, District Collectors and RJDSEs and DEOs shall take further necessary action in the matter accordingly.