Memo No. 789/MDM-CSE12021 Date: 31.08. 2021
Sub:- School Education -
Jagananna Gorumudda (Mid Day Meal) and School
Sanitation, Monitoring of IMMS app and Dashboard -
instructions issued - Regarding
The attention of Regional Joint Directors
of School Education ! District Educational
Officers ! Assistant Directors (MDMEtSSi)n the state are
informed that they are aware that, the IMMS app
and Dashboard has been developed and
deployed as per instructions of
Honourable Chief Minister for
close monitoring of Jagananna
Gorumudda and School Sanitation due to
the fact that these two programs are
directly related to the nutrition, physical
mental health and better learning outcomes of students.
During the review by the Principal
Secretary, Education and Senior officers, certain HMs and
other field officials have brought to the notice
that the capturing of photos of the toilets
in IMMS App in a daily manner in schools, especially
high schools with more toilets consume long time of the
HMs and thereby the time spent on academic activities related
role is reduced.
The matter was discussed and the time taken for
capturing of photos in the IMMS app was practically
checked in a school by higher
officials of -the Department. After
detailed discussion on the time taken for capturing photos in app, it is
decided that;
1. HMs may assign the capturing of photos to all teachers
through the HM' login in such a
way that all teachers in the school wilt be given
responsibility to capture photos on rotation basis,
without burdening HM any particular teacher
2. For example, if four blocks of
toilets are available in school, each teacher may be
designated for a block or two on a particular day depending on the
break available to that teacher. The capturing of
photos t· f the toilet blocks can be taken at any time in a
3. Boys block will be given responsible for
male teachers and girls block for female
4. The concerned HM shall prepare the
daily schedule for the teachers in
a weekI
fortnight! month by ensuring that all teachers
get equal opportunity I responsibility.
5. The same is also applicable for Mid Da~ Meal
inspections and photos capturing in IMMS
6. CRPs also may be given responsibility 0t rotational
7. Only Education Welfare Assistants and other officials
will fill in the inspection form of TMF. However,
the HMs! designated teachers will capture toilet,
urinals, wash basins and floor photos.
8. However, It is the ultimate
responsibility of the concerned HM to ensure that photos
related to Sanitation are captured in
the IMMS app any time in a day under TMF
module and inspections details along ~ith photos related to
MDM are entered as per the schedule of inspections.
9. A video tutorial has been prepared and1communicated
on the step by step cleaning of toilets. This video may be
communicated to HMs and Ayahs for training purpose.
10. Already SOP on Toilet Maintenance Fund has been
printed and distributed. Cleaning Tools, Bathroom
Plastic Accessories & Cleaning chemicals have been distributed.
It is requested to ensure that the SOP is followed and
the materials are used properly as per the SOP.
The above instructions should be followed scrupulously.