NAADU NEDU PHASE -II : Finalization of implementing agencies Mandal wise for releasing Logins and passwords

 Cir.Memo.No.1497375/21-22/Manabadi nadu nedu Dated:20/09/2021 

Sub: School Education – Mana Badi Nadu Nedu – Finalization of implementing agencies Mandal wise for releasing Logins and passwords – certain instructions – issued. 

Ref: Instructions of the Advisor(infra) to Government School Education department.

Phase-II of Mana Badi Nadu Nedu Program is being taken up in (12,663) schools which includes Nadu Nedu components and additional class rooms wherever required.

2. In view of the above, All the Joint collectors (developments) and Joint Collectors Asara are hereby requested to fnalize the implementing agencies mandal wise for releasing of Logins and passwords

3. Points to consider while selecting implementing agencies:

a. Allotment of one engineer to one mandal. 

b. No APRIC or Housing department. 

c. While allotting to agency mandals PO ITDA should be consulted . 

d. All schools in urban locations ( like Zphs & MPPS located within the town/ cities) should be allotted to concerned Public Health engineers only. 

e. As far as possible the implementing agency which executed Phase-I may be continued for Phase-II also. 

f. Engage all engineers of APEWIDC and Samagra engineers @ one engineer one mandal. 

g. 7.As work load of PRED is very high, RWS &S may be considered for PhaseII. 

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