Student Safety Guidelines – School Safety Plan

Rc.No. ESE02-11/143/2020-SCERT Dt : 01/09/2021

Sub: School Education – SCERT, AP - Student Safety Guidelines – School Safety Plan – Dilapidated condition School building report – Reg. 

Ref: This ofce proceedings Rc.No. ESE02-11/143/2020-SCERT dated: 16.11.2020, 24.11.2020, 9.12.2020 and 30.12.2020.

The attention of all the District Educational Ofcers in the State is invited to the reference cited and they are here by informed that two unfortunate incidents have taken place in the schools during last week, one in Krishna district and another one in Prakasam district where two children lost their lives. The incidents call for a reality check of the school safety arrangements in the schools. 

2. Therefore, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education, District Educational Ofcers and Principals of IASEs/CTEs/Govt. DIETs in the state are requested to give clear instructions to the respective feld functionaries on the following.

Implementation of Student Safety Guidelines: 

a. To follow the Student Safety Guidelines Strictly and create awareness among the students to avoid untoward incidents. 

b. To issue instructions to HMs to prepare their school safety plan, school evacuation plan in case of emergencies. 

c. The Principals and Headmasters shall immediately take up a review of the guidelines already issued by this office vide reference cited. 

d. Wherever there are damaged and dilapidated buildings in the school premises, The Regional Joint Directors of School Education, District  Educational Officers and Principals of IASEs/CTEs/Govt. DIETs shall ensure that a Danger Symbol is displayed in red color on the unused or damaged buildings.

 e. Similarly in case of unused and old wells existing in the school premises, they have to be covered with iron mesh and a danger symbol to be displayed at such places also. 

f. Similar caution to be displayed wherever High Tension electric lines are passing through the school premises.

Student safety week: 

a. It is proposed to organize a student safety week from 6th – 9th September, 2021. (Suggested activities are annexed) 

Furnishing appropriate data regarding school safety:

a. It is observed that certain felds in section 11 of data capture format are not flled appropriately, which reffects the state performance in certain indicators.

b. All Headmasters shall be instructed to fll appropriate data in all felds in the data capture format of UDISE Plus for effective refection of state performance

c. All Headmasters shall be instructed to submit the action taken on the implementation of school safety guidelines in the following Google tracker before 4th September, 2021. 

3. All the District Educational Ofcers in the state are requested to submit the report on dilapidated school buildings in their respective district by 8.9.2021 to this ofce and also create awareness among the students, teachers and parents on FAST ( First Aid for Students and Teachers) app. The link for the FAST app is given below:

Chinaveerabhadrudu Vadrevu 

Director, School Education

School Safety Proceedings

Hand Book  | School Safety Activities & Pledge

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