Rc.No.ESE-02-18022/119/2020 Dated:24/09/2021
Sub:- School Education - Aided Schools- Policy for takeover of willing Private Aided Schools including Minority Schools in the State by the Government – Delegation of powers to the District Educational Officers as per section 93 of A.P Education Act, 1982 - Certain guidelines for effective implementation of Government policy -Issued.
Read: - 1. AP Education Act,1982 (Act No.1 of 1982). 2. G.O.Ms.No.01 Edn Dept Dt.01.01.1994. 3. G.O.Ms.No.50 SE Dated 17-8-2021. 4. This office Memo No. ESE-02-18022/119/2020 Dt:31-08-2021 5. This office Memo No. ESE-02-18022/119/2020 Dt:20.09-2021 6. G.O.Ms.No.65 SE Dept Dt.24.09.2021.
While communicating a copy of G.O 6th read above, All the District Educational Officers in the State are hereby informed that the Government have issued orders authorizing the District Educational Officers in each district under the overall supervision of the Director of School Education, A.P for issuing individual orders at their level for conversion of willing private aided schools into private unaided schools duly obtaining the willingness of the management and its staff for surrendering all the aided posts along with aided staff as per the policy issued earlier in the G.O.3rd cited.
2. Further, they are informed that in the reference 4th read above, instructions were issued to all the District Educational Officers in the State to call for willingness from the managements for takeover of willing private aided managements with assets or without assets by surrendering aid from the said schools on or before 15.09.2021 and subsequently in the reference 5th read above, the time was extended up to 22.09.2021.
3. Basing on the willingness of the managements, all the District Educational Officers in the State are requested to take necessary action on the following.
a. To take up necessary steps for issuing the orders to the willing managements from 24.09.2021 and 25.09.2021 as per the templates annexed to this order.
b. In case of takeover of willing private aided schools with assets and staff, the proposals shall be sent to this office for onward submission to the government as per template-1 and the District Educational Officer shall not issue conversion orders to such schools at his/her level. Only government is competent to issue necessary orders in such cases.
c. In case of takeover of willing private aided schools without assets, orders may be generated as per the template-2 appended to these proceedings on the following conditions.
i. All the pending enquiries and disciplinary or other legal proceedings against the managements or the aided staff of the said institution shall continue.
ii. Thereby, the grant-in-aid shall be withdrawn completely for the institution and management of the said Private Aided Educational Institution shall run the institution and all sections / courses as Private Unaided Educational Institutions abiding by relevant rules and regulations issued by the Government from time to time;
iii.If the said institution has received any grant from the State Governments or their instrumentalities, any asset created with such grants shall not be disposed of / used for purposes other than for which it was granted, without prior approval of the Government;
iv.If the said institution has got any other lands / assets donated by philanthropists or trusts or other organizations, such land / asset shall not be disposed of / used for the purposes other than for which it was donated, without prior approval of the Government;
v. If the said institution has been allotted any land by Government either free of cost or at a concession rate or even on payment of full market value, such land cannot be disposed of/used for the purposes other than for which it was allotted without prior approval of the Government.
vi. From the date of issuance of the conversion orders from private aided schools to private unaided schools, all the sanctioned posts of teaching and non teaching categories admitted into Grant-in-aid so far for the institution shall stand surrendered to the government for all practical purposes and aided staff working in that schools will come into the District Educational Officer Pool and they shall report to the District Educational Officer on the next day of conversion of the school and their salary shall be drawn from the same Head of Account of the aided school till the counselling and posting to new stations is completed for this purpose separate instructions will be issued.
d. In case of takeover of willing private aided schools without assets given by the Special Officers and staff, the acceptance of willing may be given as per the template-2 with the conditions in 3(c), if the District Educational Officer is satisfied fully after his/her personal examination of records and that there are no disputes.
e. If any disputes/court cases with regard to management are still pending, such cases will be considered only after finalization of such dispute.
f. Wherever the management has given the willingness to close the schools (including zero enrolment schools) the District Educational shall issue orders first for conversion of such schools into private unaided schools as per the process mentioned above. If the management would like to close the school as private unaided school, orders shall be issued separately by the competent authority. Necessary guidelines in this regard are being communicated separately. Till such time the school shall continue so as to not put the students to inconvenience. The teachers who are relived from those schools and to report to DEO pool and shall continue to work in school till formal closure orders issue. The Mid-day Meal Provision shall be continued in those schools till the schools are formally closed and children are adjusted nearby schools.
g. In case of High Schools approval of Regional Joint Directors of School Education of the respective zone to be obtained on file before issuing the orders by the concerned District Educational Officer.
4. Further, all the District Educational Officers in the State are informed that the Government will absorb the aided staff into Government /local body schools through a transparent web counselling duly giving options. Guidelines will be issued in this regard separately.
5. The status of the process should be updated in the link (https://forms.gle/XXXXXX) provided for monitoring the transparent process. The Regional Joint Directors of School Education are directed for closely monitoring the process by visiting all district in their jurisdiction without fail.