Rc: ESE02/969/2021-SCERT Date: 05/12/2021
Sub:- SE- SCERT,AP – A fie day online training programme –Training of KRPs on Integration of ICT by RIE, Mysore – Participated teachers list- Communicated – Regarding.
Read: - Lr.No.F.25.6/DEE/2021-22/RIEM,dt:28TH October 2021 of the Principal, Regional Institute Education, Mysore
All the District Educational Offers in the State are informed that the Principal, Regional Institute Education, Mysore has stated that RIE, Mysore is organizing a fie day online training program under under PAC No.25.6:Training of KRPs on integration of ICT in Teaching Learning Process at Secondary for Southern states from 6th to 10th December, 2021.
Read: RIE Mysore – Training of KRPs on integrating of ICT
2. Accordingly teachers were selected from each subject i.e. from English, Science, Social Science and Mathematics. 3. Therefore all District Educational Offers in the State are requested to intimate the same to the selected teachers under their jurisdiction to attend the online course. The list of the selected teachers from each subject i.e. from English, Science, Social Science and Mathematics is attached to this proceedings.