Cir.Memo. No.1249673/11/755/2020/PC-TA/2022-7, Dated: 20/02/2022
Sub:- PUBLIC SERVICES- Implementation of RPS, 2022 - Instructions for clearance of Suspense account, Pay confirmation and discrepancies in payments - Issued.
Ref:-1). Govt.Cir.Memo No.1249673/11 /755/2020/PC-TA/2022, Dt.9/01 12022.
2). Govt.Cir.Memo No.1249673/11 /755/2020/PC-TA/2022-1, Dt.22/01/2022.
3). Govt.Cir.Memo No.1249673/11 /755/2020/PC-TA/2022-2, Dt.25/0112022.
4). Govt.Cir.Memo No.1249673/11 /755/2020/PC-TA/2022-3, Dt.26/01/2022.
5). Govt.Cir.Memo NO.1249673/11 /755/2020/PC-TA/2022-4, Dt.29/01 12022.
6). GO.Ms.No.18, Finance (HR.V-TFR-AL-EWF)Department, Dt.31 101 12022.
7). Minutes of the meeting held by DTA and PAO.
8). U.O. Note.1249673/11 1755/2020/PC-TA/2022-5, Dated 14/0212022.
1.Government have issued orders in the reference 06th cited authorizing the DTA as Drawing and Disbursing Officer and PAO as auditing and accounting authority to facilitate timely fixation of Salaries 1 pensions and payment of Salaries and Pensions etc., for the month of January 2022, pending pay confirmation in the RPS,2022 as on 01/01/2022.
2. Further, it was also ordered that Salaries for the month of January, 2022 shall be provisionally drawn under suspense account debitable to MH 8658 - Suspense Account, Min H 102 - Suspense account (Civil), SH (01) - Unclassified Suspensein a Centralized mode.
3. The activity specified in the Government orders above is completed and salaries / pensions are credited to the employees / pensioners.
4. Further vide reference 7th read above, the DTA and PAO proposed for adjustment of the provisional payments to clear the Suspense account by the DDOs.
5. After detailed examination of the minutes from DTA and PAO, the Government here by orders the following;
a. Employee-wise paid data:
DDO-Employeewise data of all the employees for the month of January, 2022, who have received their salaries in RPS, 2022 consequent on provisional pay fixation with all the Earnings and Deduction particularswill be enabled in the respective payroll logins of all the 000 and TO / PAO. 000 can download payslips of the employees under their control and also download earnings and deductions of all employees.
b. Clearance of Suspense:
The salaries for the month of January, 2022 were paid from suspense head by the DTA (designated as 000 with 000 code 90000039352). Hence all the DDOs are directed to prefer adjustment bills debiting their respective salary heads by way of credit to suspense head.
System generated adjustment bill debiting the regular salary HoAof respective DDOs and crediting to the suspense HoA: 8658-00-102-000- 1-000-000-VNwith 000 Code:90000039352will be sent to the logins of respective DDOs.This bill shall be generated for the total gross amount equal to the amount drawn from suspense under that particular 000.
The DDOs shall submit this adjustment bill to the concerned Treasury. In-turn the TOs / PAO has to approve the suspense adjustment bills submitted by the DDOs.
c. Pay confirmation:
Government in Circular memos 01st to 05th cited have issued procedural instructions for fixation of pay of the employees in RPS, 2022 in https: / / payroll.
Despite clear instructions and timelines, the process of data entry and confirmation by DDOs/ Treasuries / PAO is yet to be completed for all the employees. Hence, all the DDOs and Treasury Officers / PAO are directed to complete the process of pay confirmation in RPS, 2022, failing which, the pay bills for the month of February, 2022, shall not be allowed to audit by Treasury / PAO.
The employees whose Date of Joining into Service and Date of Joining into present Post are found to be erroneously recorded in the System, a service will be enabled to correct the same by submitting a request to the STO concerned for modification with valid reasons / supporting documents, after which the Pay of the employee needs to be confirmedby the 000 / STO/ PAOin RPS,2022.
d. Discrepancies in payment of provisional pay for the month of January 2022:
Based on the employee data shared, the 000 shall arrive at the discrepancies, if any, in the individual salaries of the employees underhis control.
In case of short drawal, the difference of amount to be paid to the employees may be drawn by way of claiming arrear bills, using the option given in the pay-roll application. This option will be enabled in the month March, 2022
Any excess / ineligible payment made, if any, shall be adjusted / recovered from the future payments to be made to the employee / Pensioner or they may remit the same to government in coordination & consultation with the concerned treasury officer/PAO.
The employees whose pay in RPS,2022 as on 01/01/2022 is found to be erroneously fixed, a service will be enabled to correct the Basic Pay by submitting a request to the STO / PAO concerned for modification with valid reasons I supporting documents.
For the employees I pensioners who haven't received their January,2022 salary, facility for supplementary bill has been enabled. This provision is only for those who haven't received their January-2022 salary. The supplementary bill for January needs to be completed by end of February.
e. February. 2022 Salaries:
The bills shall be prepared & submitted through The DDOs will prepare the regular pay bills for the month of February 2022 & submit the same from 21st February, 2022 to
25th February, 2022. No supplementary bill shall be enabled for the salary for the month of February payable in March. The Treasury Officers/ PAO shall admit the bills to audit. The detailed instructions regarding generation of pay bills will be available at the homepage of
6. The Special Chief Secretaries / Principal Secretaries / Secretaries of the Secretariat Departments, Heads of Department, Director of Treasuries and Accounts, Pay and Accounts Officer and all the District Collectors shall ensure the timely completion of the activities mentioned above for all the categories of employees / pensioners by the concerned DDOs.