Up gradation of existing one GHS/ZPHS into Senior Secondary School

 Memo.No.75/A&I/2018 Dt:20/02/2022

Sub: - School Education - Up gradation of existing one GHS/ZPHS into Senior Secondary Schools where there is no Junior College existing in those mandals – Identify and confirm the suitable High Schools – Request – Regarding.

Ref:- 1. This office Lr. Rc. No. 75/A&I/20187 dated26-09-2020 addressed to the Govt. 2. This office Lr. Rc. No. 75/A&I/2018 dated: 8-10-2020 addressed to the Govt. 3. Govt. Memo No. 1271780/IE/A1/2020 dated: 8-11-2020. 4. This office Lr. Rc. No. 75/A&I/20187 dated: 25-11-2020 addressed to the Govt.

The attention of all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and all the District Educational Officers in the State is invited to the references cited and they are informed that Govt. is planning to upgrade one High School of Govt. / ZP Managements in to Senior Secondary School in every Mandal where there is no Govt. Jr. College7 Govt. Aided Jr. College or A.P. Model School.

Accordingly7 this office has identified 159 Mandals where there no Govt. Jr. College / Govt. Aided Jr. College / A.P. Model Schools. A copy of the list of 159 Mandals (including No. of High Schools are running in the Mandals) is enclosed herewith.

Further7 they are also informed that7 Govt. also desires to upgrade One High School of Govt. / Z.P. Management Schools into Senior Secondary School for Girls7 where there is no Govt. Jr.College for Girls in the Mandal. A copy of the list of No. of Govt. Jr. College for Girls are functioning in the State and the list of No. of Mandals7 where there no Govt. Jr. College for Girls are also enclosed herewith.

The following is the broad criteria to identify the Senior Secondary Schools for Co-Education and Girls ( these are just indicative criteria to facilitate preliminary identification of suitable High schools and not the final guidelines)

1. High strength Govt. / ZP Management Schools in the Mandal 

2. Easy access to reach the proposed high school from nearby high schools. 

3. Required no. of Classrooms to start Senior Secondary School 

4. Not less than two acres of land and also space for the construction of additional classrooms if necessary. 

5. Playground7 compound wall7 toilet facility etc.

They are therefore requested to identify one Govt. / Z.P. High School in the mandal suitable for upgradation into Senior Secondary Schools (Co-Education) where there is no Govt. Jr. College / Govt. Aided Jr. College / A.P. Model School and one High School for Senior Secondary School for Girls7 where there is no Govt. Jr. College for Girls in the Mandal.

The said information should reached this office on or before 28-2-2022 without fail.


List of district wise Mandals where  no Govt. Jr. College

List of Mandals where there is no Jr. College for Girls

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