GO MS 33 Dt:08.03.2022: 11th PRC- Comprehensive leave benefits

 Public Services -  Implementation  of 11th PRC- Comprehensive leave  benefits - Child Adoption  leave/  Child Care leave/  Special Causal leave  to orthopedically challenged/ Ex-gratia on EOL for certain deceases- Orders -Issued


G.O.Ms.No.33   Date:08.03.2022

Read the  following:-

1.   Report of the  Committee  of Secretaries  on  11th  Pay Revision Commission.

2.     Minutes    of   the    meeting    of   Ministers    Committee     and representatives  of the Employee Associations,  dt.05.02.2022.

3.  O.M.No.13018/4/2004-Estt.(L),Govt      of India,  dt.31.03.2006.

4.  G.O.Ms.No.132,  Finance (HR.IV FR&LR) Dept.,dt.06.07.2016.

5.  G.O.Ms.No.155,  Finance (FR.I) Department,  dt.04.05.2010.


The  Government   of  Andhra   Pradesh  has  constituted    the   11th   Pay Revision Commission  (PRC) vide  G.O.Ms.No.75  GA (SC.A)  Department,   dt. 28.05.2018.

2.     Government  after  careful  examination  of  the  Report  of  11th  PRC and the  Report of the  Committee  of Secretaries  headed by the  Chief Secretary, hereby   orders   the   following    leave   benefits   to   the   State   Government employees:

3. Child Adoption  Leave:

Government  hereby  orders  to sanction  Child Adoption  Leave up to  180 days   to   female   Government    Servants   having   less  than   two   surviving children;   if  she  legally  adopts  a  child  up  to  one  year  of  age.  Subject  to the same conditions,  Government  hereby sanctions  paternity  leave up to  15 days  to  'single'   male  employees   (unmarried/widower/divorcee)      within   a period of 6 months of child adoption.

3.1 The conditions,   in the  reference  3rd read  above  are  applicable for availing child adoption leave.

(i)   During  the  period of child  adoption  leave,  he/she  shall  be paid  leave  salary   equal  to  the   pay  drawn   immediately    before proceeding on leave.

(ii)   Child  adoption  leave  may  be combined  with  leave of any other kind.

3.2 In continuation  of the child adoption  leave granted  the adoptive mothers  may also be granted,  if applied for,  leave of the  kind due and admissible  (including  Leave not due and Commuted  leave not exceeding 60 (sixty)  days without  production  of Medical certificate) for a period  upto one year reduced by the age of the  adopted child on  the  date  of  legal  adoption,   without   taking   into  account  the period of child adoption  leave.

3.3 This    facility     shall    not    be    admissible     to    an    adoptive mother     already   having  two   surviving   children   at  the   time   of adoption 

3.4   The  maximum   period  of one year  leave  of the  kind  due and admissible   (including   Leave not due and Commuted  leave  upto 60 days  without   production   of  Medical certificate)   will  be reduced  by the  age  of  the  child  on  the  date  of  adoption   without   taking   into account  Child Adoption  leave as in the following  illustrations:

•   If  the  age of the  adopted  child  is less than  one month  on the date of adoption  leave upto one year may be allowed.

•   If  the  age  of  the  child  is six  months  and  above  but  less than  seven months,  leave upto 6 months  may be allowed.

•   If the age of the child is 9 months  and above but less than ten months,  leave upto 3 months  may be allowed.

3.5 Child  adoption   leave  shall  not  be  debited   against   the  leave account.

4.      Child  Care  Leave:

4.1 Government    hereby   orders   to  enhance   the   Child  Care leave facility   from   60  days  to  180  days  in  the  entire   service  in respect  of the women  employees.

4.2  Further,   the  same  facility   is  extended   to  'single'   male employees  (unmarried/widower/divorcee).

4.3 The  conditions  mentioned  in the  reference  4th read  above are applicable  for availing  the Child Care Leave.

5. Special  Causal  Leave  to orthopedically   challenged   and  Nursing Staff:

Government    hereby   orders   to  sanction Special  Casual  Leave   upto seven  (7)   days  in a year  for  Orthopedically  Challenged  employees  needing to  change  prosthetic   aids.  Same duration  of Special Casual Leave has also been sanctioned  for  Nursing  staff  working  in high risk ward.

6. Ex-gratia   on EOL for certain  deceases:

6.1 Government  as per the recommendations   of the PRC, from time  to time,  enhancing  the limits  of ex-gratia  allowance  in respect of  Non-Gazetted   Government   Servants  and Government   Servants in  Last  Grade  Service,  while  on extraordinary   leave  for  treatment for Tuberculosis/Leprosy/    Cancer/Mental  illness/Heart  diseases and Renal  (Kidney)   failure,   by  issuing  necessary  amendment   to  Note (4)  under  Rule  28  and  to  Note  (4)  under  Rule 29  of  A.P.  Leave Rules,  1933.  The  ex-gratia   allowance  is equal  to  half  of  the pay, subject  to the minimum  and maximum  limits  specified  from  time to time.

6.2 Government,     after    careful    examination     of report    of 11th Pay  Revision   Commission and  the   report   of  Committee   of Secretaries   headed   by  the  Chief  Secretary,        hereby   orders to revise  the  limits  for  grant  of ex-gratia  allowance  in the revised  pay scales 2022  as mentioned  hereunder. (In  Rupees)

DOWNLOAD GO MS 33 Dt: 08.03.2022

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