Nadu-Nedu, Phase-II - Clarification on queries received from field level officials
Circular. No.1701852 /MBNN/2022, Dated.27/04/2022
Sub : - Mana Badi Nadu-Nedu, Phase-II - Clarification on queries received from field level officials - Reg
Read:- GO.Ms. No.15,dated 23-03-2022 of the School Education (Progs-II) Department
Government vide GO read above have accorded administrative sanction for implementation of Mana Badi Nadu Nedu Phase-II for improving the infrastructural facilities in 13,981 Schools (High School and Primary Schools) with a total Budget outlay of Rs.4535.73 Crores.
An amount of Rs. 5 lakhs is proposed for Co-located anganwadi centres for taking up essential repairs and purchase of furniture and other items.
The following queries were raised from field level while generating the Estimates:
1. Aanganwadi centres Rs. 5.00 Lakhs – If repairs are not taken up in Phase-I then Nadu Nedu components can be taken up (co-located Anganwadi centres)
2. Anganwadi centres – Rs.2.5 Lakhs For co-located Anganwadi Centres – Play Ground equipment & other furniture items indicated in Annexure to be purchased.
3. No repairs or furniture to be taken up/ Purchased for Anganwadi Centres, located outside the school premises.
4. In Co-located Anganwadis the following repairs (upto a maximum of 5 lakhs ) can be taken up – building repairs , shishu desks , Electrical repairs & other furniture items indicated in the Annexure.
5. Parent Committee should Co-opt a Anganwadi Centre member in the Parent Committee.
In view of the above, all the field level officials shall follow the above guidelines while implementation of the Program.