Pre-final exam for class X - Timetable for the Academic year 2021-22

 Procs.Rc.No.ESE02/983/2021-SCERT Dated:01/04/2022

Sub : School Education – SCERT- AP –Assessments- Pre-final exam for class X - Timetable for the Academic year 2021-22 – Orders– Issued-Reg.

Read:1 Memo.No.151/A&I /2021 Dated 08.09.2021 of the Commissioner of School Education, Andhra Pradesh, Amaravati 2 Academic Calendar for 2021-22. 3 This office proceedings Rc.No. ESE02/5s /2021-SCERT/2021, Dated 24.09.2021 4 This office proceedings Rc.No. ESE02/5s /2021-SCERT/2021, Dated 14.10.2021 5 This office proceedings Rc.No. ESE02/5s /2021-SCERT/2021, Dated 24.11.2021 s This Proc.RC.No.: ESE02/983/2021 –SCERTAP, Dated: 18.01.2022

The attention of the all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and all the District Educational Officers in the state are invited to the references read above and informed that Pre-Final Eeaminations for Class X will be conducted as per the schedule given below:-

 FIRST LANGUAGE :-GROUP B:- SANSKRIT/HINDI/ARABIC/PERSIA (PAPER-II) (Only 1hour 45 min for this group) 

Further, as all the District Educational Officers are aware of that all Assessments/exams are being conducted with common question paper across the State, they are directed to take precautionary measures to maintain secrecy of the exams and question papers at all levels. The following steps should be implemented at Mandal level and school level for effective management of examinations. 

1. Instructions should be issued to DCEBs to ensure that the day wise, school wise packing of question papers shall be done by the printer concerned and such sealed packets are to be placed at Mandal level storage point so as to distribute to the schools concerned on the day of examination. 
2. Mandal level committee shall be constituted headed by MEO/School Complete HM and with one High school Head Master, one Upper Primary School Head Master, one LFL Head Master and One Primary School Head Master as members to ensure the confidentiality of the question papers. 
3. However, DEOs can form school complete level committee for the schools are in agency area to coordinate with Mandal level. 
4. Mandal Educational Officers shall nominate a School Complete Head Master to perform the duties as head of the committee for which he/she is holding the FAC to the post of MEO 
5. The Mandal wise packing should be preserved at identified strong room at each Mandal and shall be opened by the Mandal level committee after certifying the intactness of the bundles at Mandal level strong room one hour before to start the exam. 
6. All DEOs are requested to ensure that the Pre fnal eeam for class X are conducted in a peaceful manner duly following the SSC Public File No.ESE02/983/2021-SCERT Examination's protocol in terms of the confidentiality of the question paper. . 
7.If any adverse / unwanted situations are occurred in conduct of the SSC Pre Final Eeaminations the DEO concerned will be held responsible. 

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