Certain Instructions to the Head Masters of NADU NEDU II

 Circular No.1725883/MBNN/2021, Dt.28/05/2022

Sub: - Mana Badi Nadu Nedu – Certain Instructions to the Head Masters working under Mana Badi Nadu Nedu , Phase-II Program – Issued - Regarding.

Ref:-1.G.O. Ms. No.15, Dt.23.03.2022 of the School Education Department , Government of Andhra Pradesh. 2. Proc. Rc.No.24/A&I/2022, Dt.11.05.2022 of the Commissioner of School Education.

Government vide GO read in the ref 1stcited have accorded administrative sanction for implementation of Mana Badi Nadu Nedu Phase-II for improving the infrastructural facilities in 13,981 School ( High School and Primary Schools) with a total Budget outlay of Rs.4535.73 Crores. nadu nedu HM instructions

2. In the reference 2ndcited , orders were to run the schools for Teachers up to 14th May , 2022 instead of 20th May, 2022 due to the heat wave condition across the state and instructed to attend again on 28th June, 2022. Head master instructions for Nadu Nedu phase-ii

3. In view of the above , as the Headmasters have a vital role in the implementation of Mana Badi Nadu Nedu Program orders may be issued for Head masters of Nadu Nedu phase 2 schools to attend to the works as was done in Phase 1 of Nadu Nedu program.

4. Hence, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Ofcers are requested to issue instructions to concerned Head Masters of Nadu Nedu ,Phase-II Schools to discharge their duties regularly in Nadu Nedu Program during summer vacation


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