Memo.No.ESE02-27021/132/2019-MDM-CSE Dt:29/06/2022
Sub:-School Education–Mid-Day Meal Scheme–Revision of Menu–Measures to be taken in implementation further Instructions issued–Regarding.
Ref:- 1. Hon’ble Chief Minister review on03/02/2022.
2.Government Orders in e-ofcecleio.ESE02-22021/132/20119-MDM-CSE Dt:23/02/2022., dt: 24.02.2022.
4.iote orders of the Government in e-office no.
The attention of all the District Educational Officers in the State are drawn to the reference 3rd read above, wherein necessary instructions has been issued to all the Deputy Educational Officers/ Mandal Educational Officers and Head Masters in their jurisdiction to provide Hot Pongal & sambar in Friday menu with effect from 01/03/2022 instead of supplying Cooked white Rice and Dal with green leaves and vegetables.
In the above circumstances, it has been decided to replace hot pongal and Sambar with the original menu i.e Rice and dal with vegetables (previous menu) . Therefore, all the District Educational Officers in the State are instructed to issue instructions to all the Deputy Educational Officers/Mandal Educational Offers/Head Masters to follow the previous menu on Friday from the date of reopening of Schools i.e 5th July without fail.