Declared 13.08.2022 second Saturday is a working day – Compensatory holiday on 27.08.2022

Rc.No.81/A&I/2022 Dated: 25/08/2022

Sub :- School Education - School Education – Celebration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahostav (AKAM) – Declared 13.08.2022 second Saturday is a working day – Compensatory holiday on 27.08.2022 (4th Saturday) – Orders Issued – Regarding

Ref: - 1. This office Proceedings dt:11.08.2022. 2. This office Proceedings dt:12.08.2022.

All the Regional joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the state are instructed to take appropriate actions under their jurisdiction to declare August 13th 2022 as working day even though it is Second Saturday as per academic calendar 2022 – 23 for organizing various activities planned under Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav (AKAM) and necessary arrangements in school premises for celebrating the Independence day on 15th August in a beneftting manner. 

Therefore, all the Regional joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers, Principals, IASEs/DIETs, DyEOs, MEOs, HMs in the state are instructed to take appropriate action under their jurisdiction that the 4th Saturday ie., 27.08.2022 is declared as holiday instead of Second Saturday to all the schools/IASEs/DIETs under all managements. 

This has got the approval of the Commissioner of School Education, AP 


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