Memo No.SS-15023/12/2021-SAMO-SSA, dt. 11/10/2022
Sub: AP-SS-NISHTHA (National Initiatives for School Heads and Teachers Holistic Advancement)-Rerun of all the courses of NISHTHA 2.0 (Secondary) & NISHTHA 3.0 (FLN) on DIKSHA and provide an opportunity to remaining teachers to complete the courses- schedule communicated.All the District Educational Officers & Ex-Officio Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha, Regional Joint Directors of School Education, Additional project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha and Principals of DIETs in the state are informed that during 2021-22 the NCERT has conducted NISHTHA 2.0 (Secondary) and NISHTHA 3.0 (FLN) online teacher training programs hosted on DIKSHA platform/mobile application. Further a re-run option was also given to the teachers who were not enrolled/unsuccessful in the first instance. But still on an average 53.28% & 56.88% teachers are pending for NISHTHA 2.0 & NISHTHA 3.0 respectively
To ensure the completion of the said courses by all the teachers and
School Heads, NCERT has given an option to the state to rerun all the
courses of NISHTHA 2.0 (Secondary) & NISHTHA 3.0 (FLN) so as to provide
an opportunity to the remaining teachers to complete the courses.
In this context a fresh batch (Batch-3) with all the courses of NISHTHA 2.0
& 3.0 will be reopened as schedule given below.
Hence, all the District Educational Officers & Ex-Officio Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha are instructed to issue necessary instruction to all the teachers’ who were not joined / unsuccessful to obtain certificates for any course in the previous instance, so that they should join and complete the course in the present batch.
Further, all the District Educational Officers & Ex- Officio Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha are requested to closely monitor to ensure 100% enrollment and course completion by the teachers. Teachers are need not to join the courses to which they have already obtained certificates.
NISHTHA 2.0 & NISHTHA 3.0 Course wise pending teachers’ details can be accessed at the Given Link Below
ఈ కింది లింక్ లో పెండింగ్ టీచర్స్ పేర్లు చెక్ చేసుకోగలరు
1. NISHTHA 2.0 Re-run Courses DIKSHA links are given in Annexure-1.
2.NISHTHA 3.0 Re-run Courses DIKSHA links are given in Annexure-2
UPDATED DIKSHA MOBILE APP (Version 4.10.1033 Updated on October 6th)