Whereas, an Order of even number dated 29.08.2020 was issued for containment ofCOVID-19 in the country, for a period upto 30.09.2020;
Whereas, in exercise of the powers under section 6(2)(i) of the Disaster Management Act, 2005, National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has directed the undersigned to issue an order to re-open more activities in areas outside the Containment Zones and to extend the lockdown in Containment Zones upto 31.10.2020;
Now therefore, in exercise of the powers, conferred under Section 10(2)(1) of the Disaster Management Act 2005, the undersigned hereby directs that guidelines for Re-opening, as annexed, will be in force upto 31.10.2020.
Guidelines for Re-opening [As per Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) Order No. 40-3/2020-DM-I (A) dated 30th September, 2020] 1. Activities permitted outside the Containment Zones
In areas outside the Containment Zones, all activities will be permitted, except the following:
(i) State/ UT Governments may take a decision in respect of re-opening of schools and coaching institutions, after 15th October 2020, in a graded manner. The decision shall be taken in consultation with the respective school/ institution management, based on their assessment of the situation, and subject to the following conditions:
a. Online/ distance learning shall continue to be the preferred mode of teaching and shall be encouraged.b. Where schools are conducting online classes, and some students prefer to attend online classes rather than physically attend school, they may be permitted to do so.c. Students may attend schools/ institutions only with the written consent of parents.d. Attendance must not be enforced, and must depend entirely on parental consent.e. States JUTs will prepare their own standard operating procedure (SOP) regarding health and safety precautions for reopening of schools/ institutions based on the SOP to be issued by Department of School Education and Literacy (DoSEL), Ministry of Education, Government of India, keeping local requirements in view.f. Schools, which are allowed to open, will have to mandatorily follow the SOP to be issued by Education Departments of States/ UTs prepared as above.
(ii) Department of Higher Education (DHE), Ministry of Education may take a decision on the timing of the opening of Colleges/ Higher Education Institutions, in consultation with Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), based on the assessment of the situation. Online/ distance learning shall continue to be the preferred mode of teaching and shall be encouraged.
However, Higher Education Institutions only for research scholars (Ph.D) and post-graduate students in science and technology stream requiring laboratory/ experimental works will be permitted to open from 15th October, 2020, as under:
a. For Centrally Funded Higher Education Institutions, the Head of Institution will satisfy herself/ himself that there is a genuine requirement of research scholars (Ph.D) and post-graduate students in science and technology stream for laboratory/experimental works.b. For all other Higher Education Institutions e.g. State Universities, Private Universities etc., they may open only for research scholars (Ph.D) and postgraduate students in science and technology stream requiring laboratory/experimental works as per decision to be taken by the respective StatelUT Governments,