Nadu Nedu – Implementation issues – adjustment of surplus material to needy schools – Transfer Entry Order

 Circular No:1295152/MBNN/2020 Date: 07/12/2020

Sub:Mana Badi Nadu Nedu – Implementation issues – adjustment of surplus material to needy schools – Transfer Entry Order – regarding

The first phase infrastructure works under Nadu- Nedu have been taken up through Parent Committees and are at the verge of completion. The parent committees have procured cement, sand, brick, aggregate etc for the purpose of execution of the works. The PC s also have procured furniture, green boards, fans, almirahs etc through indent system from central procurement platform. 

2. Many schools have informed the directorate that they have procured some excess material from central procurement system. It is also seen that in significant number of schools there is some surplus material left out after completion of works. It also has come to the notice of the Directorate that indents are raised beyond the actual requirement to the school mainly furniture and green boards. And many schools are still trying to procure various material in the process of the completion of the works before the target date set by the Govt. 

3 In view of the above situation and to utilize the surplus material appropriately it is proposed to introduce Transfer Entry Order (TEO) system in Nadu Nedu. Under this system the schools having surplus material can be transferred to the needy schools and thus they can transfer the expenditure also from surplus school (debited school) to needy (credited school) in STMS. 

4. The MEO s, Mandal engineers, DEEs, Dy EO s , EEs, shall actively identify schools where surplus material is available such as cement, Aggregate, bricks, furniture, fans etc and also to identify needy schools and make use of this system. Appropriate provision is made available in the STMS to enter the details so that the expenditure is adjusted for both the schools who raise the TEO. The material identified to transfer shall have to be approved by the parents committee and a resolution should be made to that extent and recorded in the minutes meeting.  

5. Both the HM s (material issuing school and receiving school), both concerned MEO s, both the PC Committee members shall sign the TEO and upload the same by the HM who is issuing the material. The uploaded TEO will be made available to FAO s log in. The FAO shall check the TEO raised by the HM of the issuing school whether all the signatories have signed the document and approve it in online. Before the FAO approve it in online a copy of the TEO should be downloaded by the FAO and sign it in the hard copy. After signing on the TEO the FAO shall approve it online. Once it is uploaded by the FAO the expenditure to the extent of transferred material shall be transferred from debited school to credited school in STMS. 

6. The TEO format is enclosed as annexure to this circular. Necessary provision shall be made available by M/S TCS for this purpose. This circular shall also be put in the documents section in Nadu Nedu website. 

7. All the DEOs, APCs, EE s are requested to supervise this TEO mechanism and ensure that the surplus material is appropriately used so that wastage is arrested. The APC s shall also coordinate with the suppliers of central procurement material accordingly. 

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