SOP for Reopening of schools in a graded manner

 Memo Rc.No.151/A&I/2020 Dated:08/01/2021

Sub :- School Education – COVID-19 pandemic – SOPs/guidelines issued for time to time for Reopening of Schools in a graded manner in the State of Andhra Pradesh duly following the Health and Safety protocols – Certain instructions issued – Reg.

Ref:- 1) D.O.Lr.No.40-3/2020-DM-I(A), Dated:30.09.2020 of the Union Home Secretary, Chairman, NEC, GoI, New Delhi. 2) This office Lr.Rc.No.151/A&I/2020, Dated:25.10.2020 to the Home Secretary, MHA, GoI. 3) D.O.Lr.No.40-3/2020-DM-I(A), Dated:27.10.2020 of the Union Home Secretary, Chairman, NEC, GoI, New Delhi. 4) D.O.No.1-3/2020-IS.5, Dated:28.10.2020 of the Joint Secretary (SS1), DoSEL, Ministry of Education, New Delhi. and more

The attention of all the under mentioned officers is invited to the ref 20th cited, wherein the Union Home Secretary & Chairman, NEC, GoI has issued orders Dt:28.12.2020 that, the guidelines for Surveillance, Containment and caution issued in MHA Orders Dt-25.11.2020 vide ref 18th cited will remain in force upto 31.01.2020 and all are you aware that, the Government has undertaken several measures including strengthening of surveillance for prevention, containment, and control of COVID-19. After an intensive activity to control and contain novel corona virus with multiple lockdowns, and gradual unlocking, the State has reached a stage where the number of cases is declining on a day to day basis

Further, the Central Government informed that, keeping in view the fresh surge in cases globally and emergence of new variant of virus in United Kingdom, there is a need for maintaining caution and strict surveillance. Strict vigil is also needed to be maintained to prevent any fresh surge in cases in wake of upcoming New year celebrations and ongoing winter season which are favourable for the spread of the virus.

In view of the above, the under mentioned officers are requested to ensure strict enforcement of guidelines/ Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for all activities in the schools issued by the Union/ State Governments and the same was translated in to telugu for wider dissemination. The Headmasters are prepared specific school SOPs based on their school facilities, availability of teachers etc., ; strict compliance on COVID-Appropriate behavior such as, wearing of masks, keeping social distancing etc. in the schools; and the same may be widely disseminated to the public and to the field level functionaries for implementation in the matter 

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