State Government is avoiding Election process - Press note

Letter No. 72lcsl202l Dated 8.01.2021

To, The State Election Commissioner, Andhra Pradesh Vijayawada

Sir, We are in receipt of your letter dated:08.01.2021. We do not, respectfully, agree with the contention of the State Election Commission, that State Government is avoiding the election process/ which was halted by State Election Commission in the flrst instance for being completed

The State Government have been presenting its difficulty in holding the elections in view of the invocation of the NDMA Act by Union Government and as the seriousness of Covid-19, which has affected the entire World. Subsequent to the above invocation of Disaster Act, Covid-lg management is being under taken with the guidance of Union Government

The attempt of the State Election Commission to allude that State Government is advancing spurious grounds For not holding elections when raging pandemic has I sl Floor, Block No. I , A.P Secreloriol, Velogopudi, Guntur Dislricl, Amorovoli - 522 238. Tel. : +91 ^863-2 141 O24/ 1 025 Fox : + 91-863-2441029 E-moil ; affected people of Andhra Pradesh is regrettable and would advise that reference to To, The State Election Commissioner, Andhra Pradesh Vijayawada. non officials in official communication may best be avoided by Constitutional Authorities. Government works on rule, facts, and in public interest. 

With regard to the Hon'ble Andhra Pradesh High Court judgement, you would appreciate that the reply was sent in three days time (State Election Commission counted three days including the date of Judgement not usually done). There was no dead line to have consultation with State Officials as indicated by State Election Commission in his letter.

A request was made to give a date of consultation with State Officials after a week, as the Senior Government Officials of Health Depaftment & Panchayat Raj Department are engaged in planning for the vaccination program, apart from ongoing Covid-l9 management being under taken by Government of India. Somehow State Election Commission interpreted that consultation must be done immediately, as per their convenience, instead of mutual convenience. Be that as it may, i would like to again reiterate that the Government has utmost regard for the democratic process, halted by the State Election Commission in view of the Covid-19 and would like to be completed in a proper, free and faif manner. The pandemic Covid-19 is tackled along with the Vaccination program being undertaken by the l'4inistry of Health Government of India and who is State machinery would be engaged in the massive operation. lvlost of the functionaries who would be engaged in conducting the Local Elections would be those who would be the first recipient of vaccine.

In view of the above, we would request that, the total vaccination program along with Covid-19 management must be allowed to proceed unhindered and once this disaster is tackled with vaccination, State would be agree to any schedule of resumption of halted Local Election process. In view of well being of the people of Andhra Pradesh State Election Commission may consider the request of State Government. 

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