Rc.No. APOSS-14022(52)/64/2021-EXAM/INTER-APOSS Dt. 09/04/2021.
Sub: APOSS- SSC & Intermediate Public Examinations, June/July-2021-NRs hosted online- Corrections in the bio-data of the candidates - Guidelines for submission of correction proposals- Issued – Reg.
Ref: This ofce Proc. in Rc.No.APOSS-14022(41)/2/2021- EXAM/INTER-APOSS,dt.24.03.2021
All the District Educational Ofcers are aware that the ‘NRs’ are hosted online for the ensuing SSC & Intermediate Public Examinations, June/July-2021 in the ofcial website: www.apopenschool.ap.gov.in. To ensure hundred percent error free bio-data of the candidates, proposals for corrections of the bio-data of the candidates, if any, may be obtained from the Principal/ Headmaster/AI-Coordinators of the Study Centres of APOSS. Consolidate the data and submit to the head ofce in the prescribed proforma along with stipulated supporting documents on or before 12.05.2021. While processing the requests the following guidelines are to be followed:
The AI Coordinator carryout corrections on the downloaded NRs. All the corrections are to be rounded of with ‘RED INK’ under the attestation of the AI-Coordinator. The AI-Coordinator submits the corrected copy of NR along with supporting documents to the District Educational Ofcer concerned. All the proposals of corrections from the AI-Coordinators are to be submitted through the District Educational Ofcer concerned. The Directorate of APOSS shall not entertain proposals sent directly to the head ofce, by the AI-Coordinators and they shall be summarily rejected
On receipt of the ‘Corrected NRs’ from the AI-Coordinator, the District Educational Ofcer is requested to issue suitable instructions to the District Coordinator of APOSS to consolidate and computerize, AI wise NR corrections in the prescribed proformas communicated for this purpose and submit the soft copy in excel format to the head ofce along with NRs on 12.05.2021.
The District Coordinator of APOSS has to submit the consolidated soft copy of the corrections of the entire district in the head office on 12.05.2021 along with hard copies of corrected NRs and supporting documents.
The following guidelines may be followed while submitting proposals for corrections:
1. Corrections in the candidate name and father’s name:
All corrections are to be made as per the entries in SSC Pass certifcate only. SSC certifcate is the supporting document.
i. For the candidate having formal education: All corrections are to be made as per the Record Sheet/TC uploaded at the time admission. RS/TC is the supporting document.
ii. For the candidates who are not having formal education: All corrections are to be made as per the Birth Certificate uploaded at the time admission. Supporting document is Birth Certificate.
2. Correction of mother’s name:
All corrections are to be made as per the entries in SSC Pass certifcate only. SSC certifcate is the supporting document.
In case mothers name is not recorded in the SSC: All corrections are to be made as per the name of the mother as recorded in the birth certifcate. Birth Certifcate is the supporting document.
i. For the candidate having formal education: All corrections are to be made as per the Record Sheet/TC uploaded at the time admission. RS/TC is the supporting document.
ii. In case mothers name is not recorded in TC/RS and for the candidates who are not having formal education: Name of the mother as recorded in the birth certifcate. Birth Certifcate is the supporting document.
3. Correction in DOB:
Intermediate: All corrections are to be made as per the entries in SSC Pass certifcate only. SSC certifcate is the supporting document.
i. For the candidate having formal education: All corrections are to be made as per the Record Sheet/TC uploaded at the time admission. RS/TC is the supporting document.
ii. For the candidates who are not having formal education: All corrections are to be made as per the Birth Certifcate uploaded at the time admission. Supporting document is Birth Certifcate.
4.Correction of Gender:
SSC & Intermediate:
Correction from Male to Female is allowed. But, correction from Female to Male is allowed, subject to payment of concession of admission fee availed at the time of admission.
5.Correction in Community:
SSC & Intermediate:
Correction from reserved categories to open category is allowed. But, correction from reserve category to open category is allowed, subject to payment of concession of admission fee availed at the time of admission.
6.Corrections in TOC:
SSC & Intermediate:
Correction of a subject from TOC to Non-TOC is allowed. But, for correction of a subject from Non-TOC category to TOC category is allowed, subject to production of Original failed Marks Memo along with TOC fees at @ Rs.150/- per subject in SSC and @ Rs.200/- per subject in Intermediate
7.Correction in PH:
SSC & Intermediate: Correction from PH category to Non-PH Category is allowed subject to subject to payment of concession of admission fee availed at the time of admission. Correction from Non-PH category to PH Category is allowed subject to production of PH Application of the candidate attested by the DEO along with a copy of attested Medical Certifcate issued by the Medical Board.
8.Correction in Medium:
SSC & Intermediate:
Correction in the medium is allowed.
9.Changes/Corrections/Alterations of subject codes:
SSC & Intermediate:
As per Section.3.10 of the Prospectus for Admission into SSC & Intermediate courses for the year 2020-21, the following documents are to be submitted for change of subject.
i. Declaration of the AI Coordinator that the candidate submitted application for change of subject within frst six PCP classes.
ii. D.D. for change of subject @ Rs.150/- for in SSC and Rs.200/- for Intermediate per subject.
iii.All such requests are accepted subject to the provisions of the APOSS.
iv.Subject changes are not allowed which involves payment of additional examination fee. Subject changes from arts to science are not allowed.
v. Subject changes are allowed which does not involve payment of additional exam fee as detailed hereunder, shall be considered.
a. subject change from arts to arts
b. subject change from science to science
c. subject change from science to arts
vi. Subject for which fee paid shall not be exchanged with the subjects for which fee is not paid.
10. Correction in sixth subject:
SSC & Intermediate :
Deletion of sixth subject is allowed. But, addition of sixth subject is allowed subject to the provisions of the APOSS and on payment of fee of Rs.200/- by way of DD.
11. Correction in Photo & Signature:
Are allowed, subject to submission of Photo & Signature in the prescribed ‘Proforma of photo & signature’ duly attested by the AICoordinator concerned and counter signed by DEO.
In view of the above, all the District Educational Ofcers are requested to issue necessary instructions to all the Principals/Headmasters/AICoordinators of APOSS Study centers to submit fnal round of corrections, if any, pending with them along with required supporting documents on or before 10.05.2021 to the District Educational Ofcers concerned, duly following the guidelines.
The District Educational Ofcer is requested to issue necessary instructions to the District Coordinator of APOSS to submit soft copy of consolidated proposals of corrections in the prescribed proformas along with hard copies of corrected NRs and supporting documents in the head ofce on 12.05.2021 without fail.
Dr K V Srinivasulu Reddy