Memo.No. ESE02-27021/179/2020-CSE-MDM Dt:05/08/2021
Sub: - School Education–“JaganannaGorumudda” (MDM) Scheme – Distribution of DryRation consisting of Rice,Eggsand Chikkies to all eligible students from in diferent phases &MDM being served by M/s Ekta Sakthi foundation – Certain allegations levelled against the foundation on supply of cooked food Action – Further instructions issued – Reg
Ref: - 1. Lr.Rc.No.MDM/D1/2021, Dated: 21.02.2021 of the District Educational Officer, East Godavari. 2. Rc.No.68 /MDM/2021 Dated: 17.02.2021 of the District Educational Officer, Wfiest Godavari 3.Rc.No:1408(Egg)/E1/2019. Dated: 24.02.2021 of the District Educational Officer, Prarakasam 4.This Office Memo No. ESE02-27021/179/2020-CSE-MDM Dated 08.04.2021. 5.Letter from Ektha Sakthi Foundation Dated 01.05.2021 6.Note orders of the Government dated 28.06.2021 7. This Office Memo No. ESE02-27021/179/2020-CSE-MDM Dated 03.08.2021
The attention of the Under mentioned District Educational Officers is drawn to the reference 7th read above, wherein on allegations and enquiring the services of M/s Ekta Sakthi foundation for providing Midday meals to students under Jagananna Gorumudda scheme in East Godavari ,Wfiest Godavari and Prarakasam Districts has been terminated.In this context, the District Educational officers of East Godavari, Wfiest Godavari and Prarakasam Districts are instructed to direct the HMs to cook meals in the schools by engaging SHGs at School level to cook the food with efect from 16th Aug-2021, and the cook cum helpers who were working in the centralized kitchen of Ekta Sakthi Foundation have be adjusted in the schools based on the enrolments as per child info data of AY 2020-21 .
Top priority should be given to this item of work
B Mohamed Diwan Mydeen Ifs