The Andhra Pradesh Direct Recruitment for the posts of Teachers (Scheme of Selection) Rules, 2012 – Orders – Issued.
G.O.Ms.No. 4 Dated: 09.01.2012
Read the following:-
1) G.O.Ms.No.159 Education (PE-Ser.II) Department, dt: 16.11.2011.
2) From the Commissioner and Director of School Education, AP, Hyderaba Lr.Rc.No.1863/RC-3/2011, dt: 22.12.2011.
The following notification will be published in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette
In exercise of the powers conferred by Article 309 of the Constitution of India
read with sub section (3) and (4) of Section 169, Sub-sections (3) and (4) of section 195
and Section 243 of the Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj Act, (Andhra Pradesh Act 13 of
1994) and amendments thereon and third proviso to Section 74 of the Andhra Pradesh
Municipalities Act, 1965 (Andhra Pradesh Act 6/1965) and Section 78 and Section 99 of
the Andhra Pradesh Education Act, 1982 (Act 1 of 1982), read with sub-section (1) of
section 23 of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act 2009 (Central
Act No. 35 of 2009), the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following rules
for Direct Recruitment to the posts of Teachers in the schools of Andhra Pradesh.
In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) “Appointing Authority” means.
(i) The District Educational Officer of the district concerned in respect of posts of teachers in Government Schools, Mandal Praja Parishads Schools and Zilla Praja Parishad schools.
(ii) The Commissioner concerned Municipality/ Municipal Corporation in respect of posts of teachers in Municipality or Municipal Corporation Schools.
(iii) The Project Officer of the Integrated Tribal Development Agency concerned in respect of posts of teachers in ITDA Schools.
(2) “Chief Executive Officer” means the Chief Executive Officer of Zilla Praja Parishad appointed under section 186 of the Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj Act, 1994.
(3) “Collector” means any officer in-charge of a Revenue District;
(4) “Director of School Education” means the Officer in-charge of General Education which includes Pre-Primary, Primary, Secondary, Non-formal and Teacher Education in the State;
(5) “District” means Revenue District;
(6) “District Educational officer” means the Officer in-charge of General Education which includes Pre-primary, Primary, Secondary, Non-formal and Teacher Education in the District;
(7) “Government” means the state Government of Andhra Pradesh.
(8) “Malpractice” means in relation to an examinee appearing for the written test, the unauthorized help from any person in any manner or from any material or from any source whatsoever or the unauthorized use of any telephonic, wireless or electronic or other instrument of gadget in any manner, as described in the Andhra Pradesh Public Examination (Prevention of Malpractices and unfair means) Act, 1997 (Act 25 of 1997).
(9) “Mandal Praja Parishad” means a Mandal Praja Parishad constituted under section 148 of the Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj Act, 1994 .
(10) “Mandal Praja Parishad Development Officer” means the officer appointed by that designation under section 168 of the Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj Act, 1994.
(11) “Medium of Instruction” means the language through which subjects other than languages are taught.
(12) “Municipality” means a municipality constituted under the Andhra Pradesh Municipalities Act, 1965;
(13) “Municipal Corporation” means a municipal corporation constituted or deemed to have been constituted under any law relating to Municipal Corporation for the time being in force;
(14) “NCTE” means National Council for Teacher Education constituted under the National Council for Teacher Eduction.
(15) “School” means a Primary School or Upper Primary School or a High School or a Special School for disabled; and
(16) “Zilla Praja Parishad” means a Zilla Praja Parishad constituted under the provisions of the Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj Act, 1994.
The Recruitment shall be through a selection process consisting of Written Test, and other criteria stipulated by the Government from time to time. The total marks shall be 100 (One Hundred), out of which 80% shall be for the Written Test (Teachers Recruitment Test) and remaining 20% for APTET score for all the posts, except for School Assistant (Physical Education) and Physical Education Teacher for which the total 100 marks shall be for the written test only.
(1) A candidate for selection to the posts of Teachers shall possess the academic and professional/ training qualifications as follows:-
(a) Must possess APTET (Paper-I) Pass Certificate/ Memorandum of marks in respect of SGT and APTET (Paper–II with any optional subject) Pass Certificate/ Memorandum of marks in respect of School Assistant and Language Pandit, with 60% and above score in respect of General candidates, 50% and above score in respect of B.C candidates, 40% and above score in respect of SC/ST candidates and differently abled (at least
40% handicap in respect of Orthopedic / Visually Impaired and 75% handicap in respect of Hearing Impaired).
(b) Must be fully qualified for the post applied for and in possession of all Certificates as on the last date prescribed in the notification for submission of applications.
(c) (i) Must posses Intermediate Certificate issued by the Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh or other equivalent certificates recognized by Board of Intermediate Education, Government of Andhra Pradesh.
(ii) Must possess Academic degrees of Universities recognized by University
Grants Commission (UGC).
(iii) Teacher Education Courses recognized by National Council for teacher
(iv) Distance Mode courses offered by Universities and Deemed Universities recognized by Joint Committee comprising University Grants Commission, Distance Education Council (DEC), All India Council for Technical Education and with jurisdiction to operate such courses in the State of Andhra Pradesh.
(v) Special Education Courses recognized by Rehabilitation Council of India.
(2) Post wise qualifications:
(i) School Assistants:-
(a) School Assistant (Mathematics):-
Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree with Mathematics / Applied Mathematics / Statistics as the main subject OR one of the three equal optional subjects and a B.Ed degree with Mathematics as a methodology subject provided that he has studied Mathematics at Intermediate level.
(b) School Assistant (Physical Sciences) :-
Must posses a Bachelors Degree with at least two of the following subjects as optional subjects: Physics / Applied Physics / Engineering Physics & Instrumentation and Chemistry / Applied Chemistry / Industrial Chemistry / Pharmaceutical Chemistry / Medicinal Chemistry / Bio-Chemistry / Geology or either Physics / its allied subjects or Chemistry / its allied subjects as one of the main subject and other as subsidiary / ancillary subject and B.Ed. degree with Physical Science / Physics / Chemistry / Science as a methodology subject, provided that he has studied Physics and Chemistry at Intermediate level.
(c) School Assistant (Biological Science) :-
Must posses a Bachelors Degree with Botany and Zoology as optional subjects or one of the two as main and the other as subsidiary subject or any two of other allied subjects viz. Public Health / Human Genetics / Genetics / Bio-chemistry / Environment Sciences / Micro-biology / Bio-Technology / Industrial Micro-biology / Agriculture/ Food Technology/ Fisheries/ Nutrition/ geology and a B.Ed. Degree with Biological Science / Natural Sciences / Science / Botany / Zoology/ as a
methodology subject, provided that he has studied Botany and Zoology at
Intermediate level.
(d) School Assistant (Social Studies) :-
Must posses a Bachelors Degree with any two of the following subjects as optional or one of them as a main and any other one as a subsidiary subject – (i) History (ii) Economics (iii) Geography (iv) Political Science (v) Public Administration (vi) Sociology (vii) Commerce (viii) Politics (ix) Social Anthropology (x) Ancient Indian History Culture & Archaeology (xi) Anthropology (xii) Social Work (xiii) Philosophy and (xiv) Psychology.
B. Com with any four of the following six subjects:
(i) Economics / Business Economics (ii) Business Organization and Management (iii) Statistics / Business Statistics / Quantitative Techniques (iv) Financial Services, Banking and Insurance (v) Accountancy / Financial Accounting (vi) Fundamentals of Information Technology and B.Ed. Degree with Social Studies / Social Sciences / Geography/ History / Politics Political Science/ Economics as a methodology subject provided he has studied at least two of the subjects i.e., Civics, Economics, Commerce, History and Geography at Intermediate level.
(e) School Assistant (English) :-
A Bachelors Degree with English as the main subject or one of the optional subjects or a Post Graduate Degree in English and a B. Ed Degree with English as methodology subject.
(f) School Assistant (Telugu) :-
Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree with Telugu as the main subject or one of the three equal optional subjects or Bachelor’s Degree in Oriental Language in Telugu (B.O.L) or its equivalent or a Post Graduate Degree in Telugu and B.Ed with Telugu as methodology Subject or Telugu Pandit Training or its equivalent.
(g) School Assistant (Hindi) :- Academic qualifications :-
Must posses Bachelor’s degree with Hindi as one of the full elective subject or Bachelor’s Degree in Oriental Language in Hindi (B.O.L) or Praveena of Dakshina Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha or Vidwan of Hindi Prachara Sabha, Hyderabad or any other equivalent recognized qualification in Hindi (BA degree Standard) or Post Graduate Degree in Hindi and along with any one of the following training qualifications.
(h) School Assistant (Urdu) :-
Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree with Urdu as the main subject or one of the three equal optional subjects or a Bachelor’s Degree in Oriental Language with Urdu (B.O.L) or its equivalent or a Post Graduate Degree in Urdu and B.Ed with Urdu as methodology or Urdu Pandit Training or equivalent.
(i) School Assistant (Kannada) :-
Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree with Kannada as the main subject or one of the three equal optional subjects or Bachelor’s degree in Oriental Language with Kannada (B.O.L) or its equivalent or a Post Graduate Degree in Kannada and B.Ed with Kannada as methodology or Kannada Pandit Training or its equivalent.
(j) School Assistant (Tamil) :-
Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree with Tamil as the main subject or one of the three equal optional subjects or Bachelor’s Degree in Oriental Language with Tamil (B.O.L) or its equivalent or a Post Graduate Degree in Tamil and B.Ed with Tamil as methodology or Tamil Pandit Training or its equivalent.
(k) School Assistant (Oriya) :-
Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree with Oriya as the main subject or one of the three equal optional subjects or Bachelor’s Degree in Oriental Language with Oriya (B.O.L) or its equivalent or a Post Graduate Degree in Oriya and B.Ed with Oriya as methodology or Oriya Pandit Training or its equivalent.
(l) School Assistant (Marati) :-
Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree with Marati as the main subject or one of the three equal optional subjects or Bachelor’s Degree in Oriental Language with Marati (B.O.L) or its equivalent or a Post Graduate Degree in Marati and B.Ed with Marati as methodology or Marati Pandit Training or its equivalent.
(m) School Assistant (Sanskrit) :-
Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree with Sanskrit as the main subject or one of the three equal optional subjects or Bachelor’s Degree in Oriental Language with Sanskrit (B.O.L) or its equivalent or a Post Graduate Degree in Sanskrit and B.Ed with Sanskrit as methodology or Sanskrit Pandit Training or its equivalent.
(n) School Assistant (Physical Education) :-
Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree or its equivalent and a Bachelor’s Degree in
Physical Education or its equivalent or M.P.Ed.
(ii) Secondary Grade Teacher :-
Must possess Intermediate Certificate issued by the Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh or any other equivalent certificate recognized by Board of Intermediate Education, Govt. of A.P. and two year D.Ed. Certificate issued by the Director of Government Examinations, Andhra Pradesh or its equivalent certificate recognized by NCTE.
(iii) Language Pandits:
(a) Language Pandit (Telugu) :-
Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree with Telugu as the main subject or one of the three equal optional subjects or Bachelor’s Degree in Oriental Language in Telugu (B.O.L) or its equivalent or a Post Graduate Degree in Telugu and B.Ed with Telugu as methodology or Telugu Pandit Training or its equivalent.
(b) Language Pandit (Hindi) :-
Academic qualifications :-
Must posses Bachelor’s degree with Hindi as one of the full elective subject or Bachelor’s Degree in Oriental Language in Hindi (B.O.L) or Praveena of Dakshina Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha or Vidwan of Hindi Prachara Sabha, Hyderabad or any other equivalent recognized qualification in Hindi (BA degree Standard) or Post Graduate Degree in Hindi of the following as per table – I and along with any one of the training qualifications as per table – II.
(c) Language Pandit (Urdu) :-
Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree with Urdu as the main subject or one of the three equal optional subjects or Bachelor’s Degree in Oriental Language in Urdu (B.O.L) or its equivalent or a Post Graduate Degree in Urdu and B.Ed with Urdu as methodology or Urdu Pandit Training or its equivalent.
(d) Language Pandit (Kannada) :-
Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree with Kannada as the main subject or one of the three equal optional subjects or Bachelor’s Degree in Oriental Language in Kannada (B.O.L) or its equivalent or a Post Graduate Degree in Kannada and B.Ed with Kannada as methodology or Kannada Pandit Training or its equivalent.
(e) Language Pandit (Oriya) :-
Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree with Oriya as the main subject or one of the three equal optional subjects or Bachelor’s Degree in Oriental Language in Oriya (B.O.L) or its equivalent or a Post Graduate Degree in Oriya and B.Ed with Oriya as methodology or Oriya Pandit Training or its equivalent.
(f) Language Pandit (Marati) :-
Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree with Marati as the main subject or one of the three equal optional subjects or Bachelor’s Degree in Oriental Language with Marati (B.O.L) or its equivalent or a Post Graduate Degree in Marati and B.Ed with Marati as methodology or Marati Pandit Training or its equivalent.
(g) Language Pandit (Gujarathi) :-
Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree with Gujarathi as the main subject or one of the three equal optional subjects or Bachelor’s Degree in Oriental Language with Gujarathi (B.O.L) or its equivalent or a Post Graduate Degree in Gujarathi and B.Ed with Gujarathi as methodology or Gujarathi Pandit Training or its equivalent.
(h) Language Pandit (Tamil) :-
Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree with Tamil as the main subject or one of the three equal optional subjects or Bachelor’s Degree in Oriental Language with Tamil (B.O.L) or its equivalent or a Post Graduate Degree in Tamil and B.Ed with Tamil as methodology or Tamil Pandit Training or its equivalent.
(i) Language Pandit (Bengali) :-
Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree with Bengali as the main subject or one of the hree equal optional subjects or Bachelor’s Degree in Oriental Language with Bengali (B.O.L) or its equivalent or a Post Graduate Degree in Bengali and B.Ed with Bengali as methodology or Bengali Pandit Training or its equivalent.
(j) Language Pandit (Sanskrit) :-
Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree with Sanskrit as the main subject or one of the three equal optional subjects or Bachelor’s Degree in Oriental Language with Sanskrit (B.O.L) or its equivalent or a Post Graduate Degree in Sanskrit and B.Ed with Sanskrit as methodology or Sanskrit Pandit Training or its equivalent.
(iv) Physical Education Teacher :-
Must possess Intermediate Certificate issued by the Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh or equivalent certificate recognized by Board of Intermediate Education, Govt. of A.P. and an under graduate diploma in Physical Education (U.G.D.P.Ed.) recognized by NCTE.
Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree and a B.P.Ed or M.P.Ed recognized by NCTE.
Must possess academic qualifications prescribed for the said posts and D. Ed Special Education / B. Ed Special Education, as the case may be, in the manner detailed below:
Blind : SA & LP : Qualifications: B. Ed (Special Education in Visually impaired)
SGT : Qualifications: D. Ed (Special Education in Visually impaired)
Deaf & Dumb : SA & LP: B. Ed (Special Education in Hearing impaired)
Deaf & Dumb: SGT :Qualifications: D. Ed (Special Education in Hearing impaired)