Andhra Pradesh School Educational Subordinate Service Rules for the posts of teachers in Mandal Prajaparishad and Zilla Prajaparishad Schools in Andhra Pradesh - Adhoc Rules –– Orders - Issued.


G. O. Ms. No.12 Dated: 23-01-2009 


 G.O.Ms.No.183, Education (Services.II) Department, dated.30.12.2008.


In the G.O. read above, orders have been issued framing adhoc rules for the posts of teachers in Mandal Praja Parishad and Zilla Praja Parishad Schools covered under A.P. School Educational Subordinate Service Rules. Certain Teacher Service Associations have requested for inclusion of the Head master Grade II category (Gazetted) in the A.P. School Educational service instead of A.P. School Education Subordinate Service. Government have examined the matter and decided to issue separate Adhoc rules for the Gazetted and Non-gazetted posts. Government have examined the matter and decided to issue separate adhoc rules for the Gazetted and Non-Gazetted posts of Zilla Praja Parishad and Mandal Praja Parishad Schools in Andhra Pradesh.

The following notification will be published in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette


 In exercise of the powers conferred by Sections 78 and 99 of the Andhra Pradesh Education Act, 1982 (Andhra Pradesh Act 1 of 1982) and proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India and in supercession of the adhoc rules issued in G.O.Ms.No.183, School Education (Ser.II) Department, dated the 30th December, 2008, the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby make the following Adhoc rules for the posts of teachers in Zilla Praja Parishad and Mandal Praja Parishad Schools in Andhra Pradesh.

 These adhoc rules shall come into force with immediate effect.


1. Constitution:- The Andhra Pradesh School Educational Subordinate Service shall consist of posts of teachers working in Zilla Praja Parishad and Mandal Praja Parishad Schools in Andhra Pradesh. 

2. Method of Appointment and Appointing Authority: The service shall consist of the following classes and category of posts Subject to other provisions in these rules, the method of appointment and appointing authority to the posts is as mentioned below:

3. (i): The transfer within the same class among different categories is not permissible. 

 (ii): Elementary/Higher Grade teachers shall also be considered for promotions to the posts of School Assistants subject to possessing the prescribed qualification for the post. Their services shall be reckoned for the purpose of promotion to School Assistant from the date of acquiring prescribed qualifications for the post of Secondary Grade Teacher. 

 (iii): Wherever the method of appointment to any post in this service is both by direct recruitment and appointment by promotion or transfer, there shall be direct recruitment to the extent of one third of the vacancies including temporary vacancies, as per GO. Ms. No 108 Education Dt. 23.12.99. 

 4. Rule of Reservation:- 

(i) The rule of special representation (General Rule 22 of the Andhra Pradesh State and Subordinate Services) as amended from time to time shall apply to appointment by Direct Recruitment to any post in the service. 

 (ii) Appointment in institutions specially provided for women:

(a) Women alone shall be appointed to post in the institutions specially provided for them. 

 (b) A vacancy in a category in an Institution specially provided for women shall be filled by transfer of a woman member of the same category employed in an institution not specially provided for women within the unit. When such transfer is not possible women may be appointed by any method admissible under Rule 2, but she shall not acquire by reason only, of such appointment any right in the matter of seniority of full membership in the category or promotion to a higher category until she gets her due turn. 

(iii) The rule of reservation in promotion shall be followed as per the Government orders issued from time to time. 

5. Qualifications: 

(i) No person shall be eligible for appointment to the categories specified in Column (3) of the Table by the method specified in Column (2) unless he/she possesses the qualifications specified in the corresponding entry in Column (4) thereof. 

(ii) The candidates who have passed SSC Examination in the concerned medium or with the concerned Language as First Language are eligible to apply to the posts in the concerned medium and the candidates who have passed the examination of Higher standards in the concerned language / medium are also eligible to apply to the posts in that medium. 

(iii) Every teacher employed in Mandal Praja Parishad / Zilla Praja Parishad Schools for the deaf or blind shall, in addition to the qualifications prescribed in the table, possess a Government certificate of competency, Junior Diploma in teaching the blind or deaf, as the case may be or a higher qualification: Provided that the Graduate and the non-graduate teachers who are blind or deaf and have undergone the training course in education for the blind or deaf and passed the examination shall be deemed to possess the qualifications prescribed for the post of teachers in the schools for the blind or deaf.

(iv) Government orders issued from time to time relating to the method of appointment and the authorities competent to make appointments shall be applicable. 

(v) The following are the qualifications prescribed for all the posts:-

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