Sanction of Rice for the Month of December - 2021 TO Welfare Institutions and Hostels


Office of the Commissioner of Civil Supplies A.P Vijayawada 

CCS Ref No PDS II (4)/2024/36//2020 Dated. 03/12/2021

PROCEEDINGS Present : Sri S.Dilli Rao, I.A.S., Director of Civil Supplies.

Sub:- Civil Supplies Dept- Welfare Institutions and Hostels Scheme - Allotment of Rice for the month of December, 2021 to the inmates in Welfare Institutions and Hostels run by (13) Government Welfare Departments and institutions under their control - Orders - Issued.


Vide reference 1st read above orders were issued to supply of Rice @ Rs.1/- per Kg to the Welfare institutions and pre Metric and Post Metric Hostels run by various Government Welfare Departments and their societies.

In the reference 2nd to 16th read cited, requirement of Rice has been furnished for the year 2021-22 and requested to allocated rice to Welfare Institutions and Hostels for consumptions of the inmates in the institutions/Hostels.

After careful consideration of the requests for allotment of Rice for the Academic year 2021-22, a quantity of 8873.332 MTs of Rice is herby allotted @ Rs.100/- per quintal for release to the (13) Welfare Institutions and Hostels run by Government Welfare Departments and their institutions for the month of December, 2021 as indicated in the Annexure enclosed to this order

చదవండి :మీ పాఠశాలకు అలాట్ అయినా బియ్యం వివరాలు ఇక్కడ తెలుసుకోండి 

Allotment of Rice is subject the conditions that the department shall give an under taking that they would abide by the instructions of the Finance department in the matter of revision of issue price of rice by APSCSCL under Welfare Hostels and Institutions Scheme which to under circulation

All the Collectors (CS) are requested to obtain the requirement of rice as per the actual strength and ensure release of rice @ Rs.1-00 per Kg to the (13) Welfare Institutions and Hostels through SCM, without exceeding the requirement shown in SCM

All the Collectors (CS) / V C & Managing Director A.P State Civil Supplies Corporation Limited Vijayawada are requested to ensure proper release / Utilization of rice as per the guidelines indicated below.


1. Rice shall be released to the hostels / institutions taking into consideration of closing stocks available as on the preceding date to the date on which the release order for rice is issued. A dynamic attendance Register shall be maintained by the Institutions and CBs shall be furnished to the Collector (CS) concerned every month for allotment of rice to the institutions accordingly. 2. Rice shall be released @ Rs. 100/- per qtl duly arriving at the requirement @ 500 gms per day per inmate i.e 15 kgs per head per month.. 

2. Rice shall be released by the AP State Civil Supplies Corporation Limited to the nominee of the departments through Bio-metric authentication 

3. Rice allotted should be properly utilized for the purpose for which it is meant for. 

4. Misuse and diversion of rice meant for consumption of the inmates of the Government welfare hostels / institutions will be viewed very seriously and stern action will be taken against the persons responsible for misuse / diversion. 

5. It shall be ensured that good quality of rice conforming to FAQ specifications should be released to avoid quality complaints. 

6. The Hostels wardens shall be permitted to select quality of rice available in MLS points and rice shall be released as per the their choice 

7. Rice Stock for the month of December, 2021 shall be released up to 25.12.2021. 

8. All the District Managers, AP State Civil Supplies Corporation Limited shall render proper accounts for the stocks released under this scheme 

The State Informatics Officer, National Informatics Center, Vijayawada is requested to generate allotment of Rice, to (13) Welfare Institutions and Hostels for the month of December, 2021 and enable the screen in SCM for issue of Release orders by the MLS point in- charge

The Vice Chairman & Managing Director A.P State Civil Supplies Corporation Limited, Vijayawada is requested to issue instructions to all the District Managers of APSCSC Ltd for release of rice under the Welfare Institutions and Hostels scheme, through SCM for the month of December, 2021. 

S Dilli Rao I A S Director


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