Proc. Rc.No ESE02/22022/25/2020-SCERT, Dated: 18/01/2022
Sub: School Education – SCERT, AP -30-day Online programme (CELT) for teacher trainers, teachers of Primary School level scheduled from 24.01.2022 to 22.02.2022 by RIESI, Bengaluru - Reg.
Ref: Letter from RIE/TRG/CELT/Member States /2021-2022/PS/Batch No.3 dated:10.01.2022 from RIESI, Bengaluru.
All the District Educational Officers in the state are informed that the Regional Institute of English, South India, Jnanabharathi Campus, Bengaluru conducts 30-day Certificates Courses in English Language Teaching for High School Teachers and Teacher trainers every year.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic the courses are being conducted online for this year. The 30-day Online CELT programme for the teachers is scheduled from 24.01.2022 to 22.02.2022 as mentioned below.
Therefore, all the District Educational Officers are requested to nominate two teachers from their respective district to participate in the said workshops. They are further requested to furnish the particulars of participants along with their acceptance letters directly to the RIESI, Bengaluru through email ( under intimation to this office.