Proc. Rc. ESE02/152/2022-SCERT Date:17/02/2022
Sub:- School Education –D’SCERT, AP – Participation of students in Constitution 2021 on DIKSHA – Extension of quiz competition till 28th February, 2022 – Regarding.
Read: - 1.From the Jiont Director, CIET, New Delhi, F.No.3-120/2021- 22/DICT/CIET, lr.dt:25.01.2022. 2.Govt.Memo.No.ESE01-SEDN0CSE/91/2022-PROG-II School Education (PROG.II) Dept., Dated:16/02/2022.
While enclosing a copy of the Govt. Memo along with its enclosures in reference read above, all the District Educational Officers in the State are informed that the Joint Director, CIET, New Delhi, has stated that the Constitution Quiz Competition has been extended till 28th February, 2022 and requesting to share the above information with all the Headmaster / Principal of schools so that students get an opportunity to participate in large number and understand the constitutional values of the largest democracy in the world.
Hence, all the District Educational officers in the State are requested to issue necessary instructions to all the Headmaster / Principal of schools on extension of Quiz Competition till 28th February, 2022, so that students get an opportunity to participate in large number and understand the constitutional values of the largest democracy in the world and take necessary action accordingly
memo of English/Hindi quiz diksha links