RC.No: Spl/SCERT/2022 Dated: 11/03/22
Sub: School Education- SCERT, AP- Quality initiatives- Usage of Dictionary by the Students - Implementation .of an Innovative program "Learn A Word A Day" in all schools under all managements from 16/3/22 to 15/4/22 -Action plan communicated- Regarding
Ref: This office even proceedings dated 14.02.2022
The attention of all the District Education Officers in the state is invited to the reference cited wherein they were requested to implement the innovation program in connection with quality initiative "Learn A Word A Day" with an objective of ensuring best vocabulary in English among the students from classes 1 to 10.
2. In continuation of the orders issued in the reference cited the further action plan regarding "Learn A Word A Day" to be implemented from 16th March to 15th April 2022 is herewith annexed for effective implementation of the program.
3. Further, the said program in intended to make use of the dictionaries provided in Jagananna Viday Kanuka for better vocabulary, pronunciation, and classroom transaction among students. In this regard specific guidelines have been issued for best usage of the dictionary while implementing the program to make the children habitual to the Dictionary.
4. Therefore, all the District Educational Officers in the state are requested to communicate the action plan along with suggested guidelines of "Procedure of Uses of Dictionary" to all teachers and headmasters of all schools under all managements duly ensuring that the teachers shall make all students to find a word in dictionary with the help of above suggested procedure.