Teachers/Students/Non teaching/Office staff Facial Attendance instructions

 Rc.No. ESE02/498/2022 Dated 29/08/2022

Sub: School Education – Capturing of teacher, student, and employee attendance through integrated attendance mobile application in all schools, offices – Certain instructions – Issued – Reg.

Ref: This office Proc. Rc.No. ESE02/498/2022 Dt:05/08/2022 and 21-08- 2022

In continuation to the orders issued in the reference cited, the following guidelines are issued in utilization of the application and marking of the teacher attendance through School Attendance App.

a. All teachers under all managements except private un-aided should mark attendance with effect from 01-09-2022. 

b. All non teaching staff working in all offices under the control of School Education Department should register in the above app and mark attendance w.e.f 01-09-2022 and manual attendance should not be entertained in any offices. 

c. Special exemption has been given to visually challenged employees as per the provisions laid by the Disabled Welfare Department, they shall mark attendance in the manual registers separately ( manual registers should be used extent to this employees only ). 

d. Teachers / Employees not having android phone can mark their attendance through Head Master/other Teacher mobiles. 

e. Teacher / employees registrations should be completed by 31-08- 2022 with out fail. 

f. The above attendance app is also applicable for all the offices under the control of School Education Department i.e All State Head offices, Zone offices ( RJDSDSES), District offices ( DEA/APC ), DIETS, CTEs, MEA offices etc.

2. Therefore, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the state are hereby directed to instruct all the fled functionaries to ensure that all Headmasters, teachers, and employees under the control School Education department install the integrated attendance mobile application for marking their attendance and mark their attendance through the App regularly.

S Suresh Kumar


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